Monday, April 18, 2011

Game 3


The Pens didn't bother to show up for their 5-1 shellacking on Friday night against the Tampa Bay Lightning- Wow thanks. But I will tell you that being a former athlete from many years removed it may have been the one thing that can help us.

Having that sense of Winning from the get go is a great feeling, but the truth sets in once you loose a game or two. The good tidings melt away and a sense of reality slips in.

So what am I rambling about, Game 3 of course. The Pens with their backs against the wall are on the road with something to prove. The Penguins have posted the 3rd highest point total on the road since 1993. This is very positive to know that the boys know how to win away from the old barn. I see a big night for the Pens middle/blue collar guys! Don't be surprised when we take these next two on the road.

In Rumor news, The New Batman film is being filmed in Pittsburgh this summer . The huge rumor from over the weekend is that in the filming and production of the film the Civic Arena is going to be blown up in the movie. Umm Awesome. Yes Please, and thank you for doing the job of the county and maybe picking up the bill on the Demolition charges.

I hope everyone can get this week Started with a huge road win!

Lets Go Pens, Lets Go Batman!


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