Thursday, April 14, 2011

No Longer a Jinx!

Hola Yinz!!

I'm here in the Burgh! I thought it would be fun to go watch the game on the screen outside Mellon Arena...that's when I searched for tickets. Well to my surprise, I was able to obtain them! You can imagine how stoked I was to be going to a Playoff Game, not to mention the FIRST Playoff Game in the Consol Energy Center!

Just after I bought my heart began to sink. (For those of you who don't know...I'm a total Jinx!) I've, never in my life, got to see a LIVE Pens win! I usually go to about two games a year...this was my 3rd this year.

Anywho...THEY WON! (just in case you weren't paying attention or you were out grocery shopping during the game). I finally got to end my 10+ years of Pens losses...might be the longest Jinx ever!

Me and Ted (a childhood friend)
The win was followed by a small celebration on the South Side...WHOO HOO!
Me and Lisa (Madre NĂºmero Dos)
I AM NO LONGER A JINX! And sorry for your tears Malone! Labuda in the BURGH!

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