Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Vacation


Soooo, most of our staff( Brian and Truck not included) are on Summer Vacation. I would apologise for the lack of Blog - but really what they hell are we going to blog about - the Pirates?
Big Steeler news today was that the Rooney's locked up Joe Cool for another 3 years. I still want to see what he can do with this team. I know that the Steelers are not picked to do anything this year and that is right where we want them.

Penguins are picking up allot of semi-no name rs right now- I am sure that there will be like twenty penguins previews in the weeks to come.

We also are putting together a college football preview along with the 4th annual steeler preview. We also would like to know from our 7 readers what you would like to read about this fall. Please leave comments and ideas and we will respond.

Surviving the summa,


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