Tuesday, April 21, 2009

History of Thuganomics

So Sunday the Pens went down to Philly 6-3. After questionable play and a short handed goal I knew that the game was dead in the water. The thing that stood out most of all was how classless the Fans in Philly were.

Now here is my disclaimer, I love Pittsburgh but our fans are not idiots- yes of course there will always be a fan or several that are idiots- but overall we have class. Philly fans are idiots.


1. As a getting fired up tactic with the old school organ, the Orange Army chants Crosby Sucks.

2. The minute the Flyers took a 2 goal lead they fought everyone to take the finesse play ( actual hockey) away from the pens. I will agree this is the only chance that the Flyers have to win the series. If you can interrupt how our players play by bringing in Clubber Lange tactics so be it.

3. Orange out: this isn't classless it is just kind of dumb When watching the game i feel like I am driving in Springdale down the turnpike looking at all the Construction. This doesn't intimidate me it frustrates me.

4. This is homerism at it's best.

Well If the Pens win tonight that will set up the Clinching game of the series in Pittsburgh on Thursday night. This would be the best case scenario for us.GO PENS

The World Champion Pittsburgh Steelers returned to work yesterday, as the first of 14 off season workout took place. It was business as usual for the Steelers. When they asked Hines Ward about resigning a new contract his response was, we need to win another SB this year and then most likely for the 33 yr old retirement in the Black n Gold. The core of our players from last season are still there- but amazingly the big NFL story of the week is what is Tom Brady having for breakfast? Also I just heard the Tom Brady switched toilet paper this week , he is now a Charmin Man.
Homer-ism at a National level once again.



B Brog said...

look at those UGLY UGLY people in the background of the sid pic...i was just in philly last friday and you bet...just about all of them are like that.

MSM said...

that is terrible news - caontact the guy whom goes aht and kills large amounts of zombies