Thursday, April 9, 2009

Three Jackass Photos.....

Hey Yinzers,
So we here at the MSM have a plethora of extra photos that we never use. Enjoy our explanation of what we consider funny. If you don't know me and read this randomly you may not get the humor behind what we think is just ridiculous.Plus you are not drinking enough ......
#1 The Photo above:
I was told one time that it is not appropriate that grown men wear jerseys? Well looks like I am not growing up anytime soon. Reggie Bush whom is not a Pittsburgh Steeler(New Orlean Saint) was featured in DUB magazine wearing a Troy P. jersey. Wait doesn't he play for another team- would this mean he is a big TP fan. I don't know - i just think that the former Louisville Cardinal is a little confused but he be damn straight about what kind of RIMS he is gonna buy this Easter weekend- yeeeah. So what does this say about a Professional athlete wearing another Professional Athletes jersey? - confused I am .

Picture #2:

This is a photo of a University of South Carolina future Graduate( and one hell of a Yinzer) in a elevator to raise awareness what a dumb ass state we live in. Just recently our gov. and the state legislative have turned down the National Bailout money for the state. I am kinda confused we are the Second poorest state in the Nation,13% poverty in Columbia Alone and tons of Bums. This really is not a Jackass photo of Matty, it is just a Jackass representation of the State that we live in- Hey SC thanks for all your help.

Picture #3:

So this ultimate winner was sitting in front of us at the USC baseball game a few weeks ago. Seriously where is the number that says #4 Give your dad the rest of the Chili fries,#5 Don't raise your kid to be a complete puss-bag athlete don't listen to rules #1-#3- oh by the way #6 get your coach/dad a beer......

This is another example why all kids today wear helmets when they ride their bike. Or why kids don't go outside and play with the neighborhood kids ,unless they all receive trophies at the end of the year. What happened to kids playing sports, to win and be the best instead of being on the same playing Field as everyone else. Boys wear pink, and don't understand hockey- someone shoot me now.

Makes me sick and makes me sound like a huge Curmudgeon.......

Hope all that travel this weekend are safe and have a great Easter.

Kids today,


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