Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My OLD kentucky Home.....


You might not know but Johnny Cash has a version of the very popular, My OLD Kentucky home. The Verse that stands out is"got drunk last night threw mama down the stairs, she's alright so I don't care." Pretty classy I know but my point is another very unclassy move is the courting of Memphis Coach John Calipari. John as we know is the Biggest Petino want-a-be. He always has enough hype to fill a hot air balloon. Plus I have never seen one coach drop so many Final Four apperances.

If you don't live in Kentucky, then you probably don't know how irrational and how asinine the Kentucky Wildcat fans are. If they don't get the coach they want then they cry on local radio for months, not days but months. I have never seen a more fickle group than the BLUE, they are like a bunch of little kids whom had everything but now have fallen on tough times and have become the little brother to cross state rival Louisville.

I think that Calipari and the Wildcats will probably happen this week. It will be quite the overrated marriage of coach and team.Don't worry if he doesn't produce in the off season the Boosters will probably get drunk and throw JP down the stairs, just ask TUBBY.


Monday, March 30, 2009

March of the Penguins


So here we are down the final stretch with only 6 games to play. Ray Shero is looking pretty good with these end of the season trades. He always brings someone in that can really get the job done.

The Pens are currently sitting in 5th position with the opportunity to climb two spots or fall completely out of the Playoffs. With the Pens starting the Season in Switzertucky- they have less remaining games . That is why I hate going across the pond to play teams that we can do right here. As for Sid he is coming on strong, Geno has been our Gibraltar and MAF is back to the old MAF-not sucking.



Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pitt Sh!#s the Bed...

Well it seems to be another disappointing year for the Panthers. This team looked dominant in the regular season. After a few questionable nail-biters in the post it's no surprise the Panthers went down yesterday in the elite 8. My bracket is ruined, let's all pull for Louisville to do the dance!

Friday, March 27, 2009

To go where no Panther has gone before.......(since 1974)


Last night was the sloppiest Pitt game I watched all season. But in the end a Win is a Win. In this day of never ending Sports Analysis, a Win has to be perfect for it to be accepted. Jay Bilias will spend half the day saying that the Pittsburgh win was just not a quality win- ok ass give me a break. When I was growing up if you won the game you won the game. So last night deal with it Pitt won the game.

As for the other winners last night- Mizzou upset JC and the Memphis chokewagon. I have never seen a bigger hyped team every year and they never win. Great job by Mizzou to get to the Elite Eight. Plus they threw 100 on the other tigers.

Nova continued to move on with their throw down of DUKE. You have to admit that this Duke team really wasn't that talented but had a good run. One of my overall picks plays tonight and I have a pretty good feeling that Louisville will take it to the Elite eight.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pitt is IT!


So if you are a Pitt Basketball fan or even have an inkling of knowledge about the program under Jamie Dixon, you are aware that tonight's game against Xavier is our toughest test. The panthers have a problem when reaching the Sweet Sixteen , Elite Eight and never to a Final Four.

There is a Bar in Pittsburgh when I was growing up it had Stained Glass windows one for all of the championship teams in Pittsburgh. One for the Pirates, one for the Penguins, one for the Steelers and then there was one for PITT it said Waiting till next year. Now don't get me wrong I have loved the Last ten years of Pitt Basketball, the Panthers have played or won the Big East Championship . Are you kidding me? Jamie Dixon gives me hope tonight, now I know that we are Playing against a former Pitt Star and Former coach in Beaver Falls but I think that D Blair and captain Headband Levance Fields , Sam, and of course the Oakland Zoo will triumph in Boston.



Look out Loretta, the Pens are on the move , and in this new and wacky Eastern Conference there is still an outside chance that we may not make the Playoffs. Last night the Goal tending of MAF was enough to oust our only meeting with the Calgary Flames 2-0. Ray Sherro looks like a genius once again signing the KUNITSZZS from the Ducks and B. Guerin from the ISLES. Just hold on for this finish and then do we have anything left for the Playoffs?


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So with the start of spring,
I thought it would be great to pay tribute to the Real soccer Ladies of ENGLAND- or where eva these good looking broads are from. Look out for a yellow card because these girls are not allowed to use their hands at all- and If you are lucky it may go into overage time.........I said if

Have a great Sexy hump day!


Friday, March 20, 2009




Thursday, March 19, 2009

Have a drink on me


So the rumors have started about Cleavland Wide Receiver Donte' Stallworth. He was drunk when he struck and killed a pedestrian earlier this week. Along with his .12 blood alcohol level he has not been charged.

Things in Cleavland are getting worse,Eric Mangeni's first year is going to be a rough one. With Lady Quinn at the helm the Browns are destined for doom.

Drew Carrey longtime Browns fan, just helped purchase a MLS expansion franchise in Seattle-(sound)wow. The one shining hope that they have is LB and the CAVS winning a championship.

Thank God and my Parents that I am from Pittsburgh,

Have a great weekend- oh by the way yesterday was the boring est day of Basketball ever.


(go Pitt)

Madness Begins today


This is great sports played all day long. I think that is why I love the first weekend of the NCAA mens' Basketball tournament. You can literally watch/listen to the First round of the tournament all day. We here at the MSM are trying desperately to have a bracket set up for all our readers to participate but it doesn't look like it is going to happen in time.

But my overall picks that are not rally a lock are PITT and Louisville. As for North Carolina I am not sold that they can do it with the Mouth breather alone(Hansboro)- as for Connecticut they will be brought down sometime today or tomorrow. The big east has allot to prove this tournament and I think that this is their year.

I will be back tomorrow with a complete run down of all the games that happened on this fine Friday!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Garnet Army dismissed

Well boys it's been one hell of a year and when the dust settles,we have had one of the most memorable years on record with this Gamecock squad.

Oh well maybe next year, but remember the good times-

-Share of the East

-sweep of Florida

-beating KY at home

-we still stink

-goodbye DD

Over and AHT'


Monday, March 16, 2009

ST. Patricks Day!


So today is my favorite holiday. I can be loud , drunk and in public and I am finally accepted. St. Patrick's day is finally Americanized with huge parades and celebrations the weekend prior too. Rod and I were in full force in Savannah GA. this past weekend. We will have full tournament coverage this week. Until then May girls not pull up your kilt, may your new picked flowers not wilt, may there be beer in your glass, and if your not Irish kiss my ass. ( except the Brognano's they are Italian)
Top 'o the Mornin' to you all,
I spent my St. Patty's day in an incoherent state. I hadn't drank in a bit and it sure showed. By noon I could barely form a sentence, by one I had lost Nix and by 6 I was in the car mumbling obscenities at Nix. I'd say it was an excellent St. Patrick's Day. Grab yourself a Guinness and say a proper Irish cheers!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Beast of the Big East

The Big East Basketball tournament is by far the most exciting conference/tournament there is. Other than the Baylor Bears handing it to the Kansas gay hawks yesterday all the news was in the Big East.

Pitt choked it's chicken in the Back court brawl against West Virginia. My thought process is allot different this year, I do not think that the emphasis was on winning the Tournament but winning a National Championship. Think about it , it makes perfect sense. You would have to play, Uconn, Cuse',Louisville, etc etc etc- in a Four day romp. Leaving you exhausted to play one week later in the Tournament. The Pitt Panthers have enough time to rest and get over that Elite Eight Bump.

The Six Overtime Game UCONN and the Cuse' put on last night was unbelievable. Allot of players made shots that they had to. I think this ruined any chance of Syracuse winning the tournament because they will have to play at nine tonight and if you are a math major- 5 x6 overtimes meant that you played two and a half games last night just to win one game.

Finally the Villanova win yesterday was very apropo. Last second shot over Marquette was where it was at the whole game. Marquette just didn't have it in them .

Louisville cruised and they will be your Big east champ after this weekend. Look for them to roll.

Great weekend of Basketball ahead we will have a complete run down of Selection Sunday , Monday.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Basketball Heaven


So This is the beginning of Basketball heaven for most of the country. Most mid majors and most little conferences have been decided on whom is going to the dance. But for the Major conference Today is the start toward a national championship. The NCAA really did get it right with doing the Tournament format from the very beginning. Unlike Football the Rankings go by from week to week and it really doesn't matter until the end of the season. It matters where you are in your Tournament and if you are lucky to get into the Field of 65- well that is another story.

Tonight at 7 the Pitt Panthers are playing West Virginia in the third installment of the Back court Brawl. Along with MIZZOU and Louisville whom tip off in about an hour. South Carolina plays tomorrow against the winner of the Georgia - Miss ST. game. I have been very fortunate to go the tournament for the Sweet 16, Elite 8, and Final four- but the most electric game I have ever been at was the National championship . -great time of year!

Good luck to all our Homer teams, and I hope everyone enjoys watching Basketball for the next two weeks-straight.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

G'day Sexy Wedensday

So this little morsel wanted you to get your fill of FOSTERS before everyone starts drinking green beer for St.Pats this weekend. So have a great day down under with this Aussie-

Bring your own oil can


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Goodbye Ole' Chum


So after 21 seasons in the NHL Gary Roberts announced his retirement from kicking ass. The cult following for Gary Roberts was awesome last year as the Pens were in the Stanley Cup. His blue collar ways and his non-smiling cold attitude fit right in with the weather in Pittsburgh.

Here is a tribute to the Scariest man on Skates.
We'll Miss you!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Where in the World is Nix???

Anybody seen Nix?  What about you Carmen?


Is Nix in the closet?  Secretly I believe so but not in this one...

NIX!!! There you are!  Wait a minute, is this your so-called "trip to Winston-Salem to look for jobs story?"  Listen pal, the rent is not that bad...get in your truck and get back to Columbia...St. Pat's Saturday!


Can You Beat The Heckler?

The Heckler is back and mad as hell!

Nix has banned me from posting because I was making him look bad both personally and professionally. But I've hacked my way back in and there is nothing Nix can do about it.

We will be having a contest, "can the heckler", where you can fill out an NCAA bracket and try to beat me. GOOD LUCK CHUMPS!

The Hecklers NCAA tournament seeds.

1- UNC, Pitt, Okla, Lou

2- Uconn, Mich St., Puke, Memphis

3- Kansas, Villanova, Wake, Mizzou

4- Washington, Clemson, FSU, UCLA

5- Syracuse, Gonzaga, LSU, Xavier

6-Illinois, Pudue, Arizona St., Butler

7-Marq, WVU, Tex, Utah

8-Cal, Tenn, BYU, BC

9- Wisc, OH st, Okla st, TexAM

10-Mich, AZ, St.Marys, Penn St.

11- Utah St., Siena, Providence, Auburn

12-SC, Dayton, Fla, N.M.ST

13- WKy, N.Iowa, VCU, Miami(OH)

14-College of Charleston, American, N.D.St, Weber ST

15- Cornell, Radford, S.F.Austin, Robert Morris

16-CS Northridge, Morgan St., Binghamton, (Ala St vs Morehead St)(play-in)

NIT projections: Final of UK vs Minn. I hope Tubby kicks Billy G.'s drunk A$$

-The Heckler

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dear Diary, Oh No T.O....

Dear Diary,

Where did it all go wrong?  Just when I thought I was commanding the respect of fans, players and my imaginary friends...this happens.  I felt like I was at the pinnacle of my career and nothing was going to get in my way, except Jerry.  I'm going to have to throw up the racist flag because there is no way he'd keep Romo's cracker-ass over me if he were in his right mind!  Sure I was on national television weeping like a toddler that just watched his new puppy get run over by an 18-wheeler but still! **sniffle-sniffle-i-i-i-itttt'sss not fair man...I loved Dallas, especially the BBQ.  **sniffle-sniffle--Yo what in the f@#k is you looking at?  I'm T.O., don't you know bro??  Believe dat!  Whateva man, Buffalo ain't gonna be dat bad...

Some of Buffalo's Snow Accumulation Last Winter

Oh man whateva...I'm freakin' T.O.!  

**NEWSFLASH**--This just in--if T.O. is lucky if he is drafted by this team next year...IF keyword.  He may have to settle for Celebrity Rehab or The Love of Money III.  Good luck and thanks for years of chauvinistic, douchebag-esque mannerisms and contamination to respectable teams.  You are one charismatic fellow and class act...Bon voyage T-HO.


Friday, March 6, 2009

This Guy puts the "J" in Jabroni...

Okay, if you weren't watching the Gamecock/Tennessee game (or as I like to call The Orangeburg Massacre Deaux) last night you didn't miss much.  And I use the word "much" because there isn't much substance behind Tennessee's Jag-off Guido coach Bruce Pearl.  

First off, the guy dresses like a slumdog strip club door man...which wouldn't surprise me if he was employed at Cafe Risque actually.  

The guy can't even put a tie around his fat greasy neck when he goes on the road against a coach, Darren Horn, who epitomizes class and is always dressed to impress...way to go schmuck.  

I did some poking around and found this picture and there was no need to explain or research further.  This guy thinks he's a student, a freshman at that.  Instead of shedding more of your clothes why don't you layer it on Pearl!   You're nothing but a loud mouth wannabe Mafioso, get a life!


Grown Men Crying

Hey Yinzers,

So who out there is sick of hearing about the two biggest overgrown Babies in professional sports- Alex Rodriguez and T.O. well for one I am absolutely over them both. They are both wealthy and stupid human beings .

lets start with the walking human cancer: T.O:

-is it a real shock that he was cut by the Cowboys?

-isn't it coincidence that every team that he goes too, falls apart slowly but surely

-he is so selfish, it is always about him

-all he does is whines and cries for no apparent reason.

-oh by the way he is getting his own reality TV show


Every one's favorite rich kid( who doesn't produce)

-like he deserves that wife?

-talked some jackass into giving him the most money ever in MLB baseball

-has been mediocre at best since then

-lied about having a stripper girlfriend

-lied about juicing

-lied to all of us that he is good

-isn't it coincidence that he may be out because of a torn labrum?Or is it that the press will die down and then there won't be as much pressure on him to produce
-born loser period

I am sick of everyone talking about absolutely nothing, it is like being on playground when you were six and the rumor mill started about some girl or some boy in your class- ok people lets grow up - you are men, athletes that are supposed to be athletes - not EMO fashion princesses that have everything given to you. Hey why don't you two be men? Oh that's right you better check with your entourage first and your stylists........lawyers.......handlers....message therapists.......wimps

have a good weekend, last for College B-ball
Big championship week next week


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

2 balls, one walk (back to Arod's) Sexy Thursday

Look at this A team getting ready to hit the ole' diamond, not before getting a little warm up with our resident A-rod. He being a past Baseball player could show these girls how to get all the way home, well at least to third if you know what I mean( wink , wink, wink).

I would totally throw something out at home,


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'll give you the Dark Underlord for WWGRD?

Hey yinzers,

NHL deadline today at 3pm

So if you are not Hockey -smart or you really don't care sorry this blog will not give you a rise in the Levi's. But the The NHL deadline is kind of a soap opera if you do pay attention-and with the Crosby-less Pens fighting for their Playoff lives, We could have a doosey on this Wed.

Think about whom did not play last night? Think about whom the Pens Played last night? Think about a revolution that the Pens faithful started last year- I mean I am not saying but I am saying Pittsburgh could dump an Over payed Cancer on our offense by bringing back an ICON?

SATAN-Pittsburgh+Gary roberts=Playoff run,/Nix is Happy

I'm Just saying


Monday, March 2, 2009

This just in Alex Ovechkin is a total Douche,,,,,,,

Hey Yinzers,

How big of a douche bag do you have to be for Canadians to hate you? Wow lets ask resident Canadian expert,hockey expert and fashion guru Don Cherry(that bastard can dress). Now I think this is the first time that Cherry and I agree on something. Just listen:

Pens are on the Ice tonight looking for their 4th win in a row! If they keep it up they will make the playoffs.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Smelley Cock Award #14


So I was out gallivanting in North Carolina this Past weekends and was the Guest of the Carolina Hurricanes for their game vs the Buffalo Sabers on Thursday night- this is where the award comes in.....

The Canes are a class organization with a Stanley Cup.They Have Ex-Hartford Whaler and Ex-Pittsburgh Penguin Ron Francis behind the Bench, they have Cam Ward and one of the Stall brothers( the best one) on the roster.

Not only do they have an awesome Hurricane sign they play the Peanut butter Jelly song before the game- very entertaining.

Then there are the biggest douche' bags in the NHL: Buffalo Saber Fans

These uncouth and uncivilized individuals are the cavemen of the earth. The F word was used so many times in one sentence an EMO kid had to turn around and tell these modern Day pirates to get a life.

So I started to compile a list of things that made these fans so mad:

Awesome sports memories........................................................(nothing)

Going to 4 super bowls to lose all 4.........................................(over achieving)

They are the unofficial part of Canada- they can have them.

They do not know how to properly use the F word........( enough Said)

So here's to you , you Bastard sons of Canada- Buffalo the town that really sucks!