Friday, March 27, 2009

To go where no Panther has gone before.......(since 1974)


Last night was the sloppiest Pitt game I watched all season. But in the end a Win is a Win. In this day of never ending Sports Analysis, a Win has to be perfect for it to be accepted. Jay Bilias will spend half the day saying that the Pittsburgh win was just not a quality win- ok ass give me a break. When I was growing up if you won the game you won the game. So last night deal with it Pitt won the game.

As for the other winners last night- Mizzou upset JC and the Memphis chokewagon. I have never seen a bigger hyped team every year and they never win. Great job by Mizzou to get to the Elite Eight. Plus they threw 100 on the other tigers.

Nova continued to move on with their throw down of DUKE. You have to admit that this Duke team really wasn't that talented but had a good run. One of my overall picks plays tonight and I have a pretty good feeling that Louisville will take it to the Elite eight.


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