Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dear Diary, Oh No T.O....

Dear Diary,

Where did it all go wrong?  Just when I thought I was commanding the respect of fans, players and my imaginary friends...this happens.  I felt like I was at the pinnacle of my career and nothing was going to get in my way, except Jerry.  I'm going to have to throw up the racist flag because there is no way he'd keep Romo's cracker-ass over me if he were in his right mind!  Sure I was on national television weeping like a toddler that just watched his new puppy get run over by an 18-wheeler but still! **sniffle-sniffle-i-i-i-itttt'sss not fair man...I loved Dallas, especially the BBQ.  **sniffle-sniffle--Yo what in the f@#k is you looking at?  I'm T.O., don't you know bro??  Believe dat!  Whateva man, Buffalo ain't gonna be dat bad...

Some of Buffalo's Snow Accumulation Last Winter

Oh man whateva...I'm freakin' T.O.!  

**NEWSFLASH**--This just in--if T.O. is lucky if he is drafted by this team next year...IF keyword.  He may have to settle for Celebrity Rehab or The Love of Money III.  Good luck and thanks for years of chauvinistic, douchebag-esque mannerisms and contamination to respectable teams.  You are one charismatic fellow and class act...Bon voyage T-HO.


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