Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Virtual Diary #3

Dear Diary,
I don't care what the people say here in Washington D C I look really good in black in Gold. Jayson and I had to put up wit al dos Jag offs at da' game. Yard apes? I can't wait to goes back in to teach dem little future yinzers in my class.

Do you think maario ever thinks of us up der in NOrt Hills, cause we think of the greatest Hockey player of all time. I love dat picture of me doing the heisman in tha Burg, yeah I look reeal good.

I lov dem stillers, more than I love my brother Jayson, I would never tell him that though, Well I got to get out der and vote today, If I had to vote in my own pittsburgh world I would vots Lynn Swann and Max talbot now that's a tickets.

Oh hell, we are 6-2 were about to give em' staight hell and hell is coming wit us yinzers, Here We go Steelers, here we go.

Oh yeah ps Megan fox will you marry me , I'll take you on the incline for a date. if your lucky......


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