Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Td What-ya mean Turkey Day Touchdown!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Yinzers,

So as I get misty eyed by getting ready to tell you why I am thankful for being on the planet one more year. It is pretty easy. I love my life. I get better opportunities everyday and I am thankful for all that I come in contact with. I love my family and friends and I am thankful for all three Pittsburgh teams, Carolina, Louisville, Pitt and the Penn State.

Thanks To my Side Kick A-rod , Best friend The Heckler and Fellow scholar Jim for making the MSM a special thing . Not just because that we can vent, rant rave and share with you every day but that we made it.( like the Frankenstein monster) I am thank full for the following we have with the Wash Dc clan, to the Brognano's at State and in the Beaver Falls Area. I am thank full for the Best grandparents in the world in Springdale and everyone else I left out. (Coaltrain, Cowboy Troy and Especially Paul at the Philly eatery)

Thank you to the great readers that we have, Thanks for reading all the nonsense that we put up on a daily basis. Thanks for coming back again, and again. Thanks to my new troop 69 and that questionable loner from camping.

Thanks to my tailgate group and all the new and wonderful stories we will have to tell in the upcoming months and the new year......

And finally The heckler and I made a rule that you cannot listen to Christmas music or watch a Christmas story until Friday- that is exactly what I am doing at the Parents home.

Here are the Picks for this weekend:

Carolina over Clempson

Steelers Over Pats

Florida Over fla State

Pitt over WVU

App State over SCSU

We are making our way to death Valley on Friday so there will be no MSM. I hope everyone has money to shop over this upcoming weekend and we look forward to giving you a total update of the game and The weekend. Be careful traveling.


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