Monday, November 24, 2008

Did you Know what they did?

Hey Yinzers,

So this is the big week here at USC for the Rival Clemson game.After a one year hiatus The Tiger burn was back and in full affect. I love tradition, I really do -but whom the hell plans this stuff here In retrospect is what happened:

We get to the spot of the control arson burn of a huge mechanical Tiger who continually burps on the crowd- how appropriate it is a alcohol free event.( oh yeah like that works)

Then the B team cheerleaders hit the stage, with no band and the second string Cocky whom is awesome!GO cocks!

Then it was the first set of Dance troop members - trying to roll out? I guess..... then it was on to the next three sets of dance troop that no one in their right sober mind knew what the hell was going on? Back at the Tiger-

Still NO Burning, no Fire what the hell nothing back to you Tim in the Studio...................

Then another Dance team From the DNR department of USC's outdoor department they did a rendition of Peter Pans Slam Dance spectacular!

So then by accident in between the next two dance troops someone flicked a cigarette onto the Tiger and the sucker went up...........................So campus officials ran out and put the fire out so they could get on the next few more Dance troops to rally the crowd for our big game in death valley this week. Finally to end this tremendous pep rally they brought out the Clemson pep band and they preformed their rendition of "Oh that's my wife and My sister" great job Breeders.

Needless to say I am getting way to old and critical for this shit, I am sure that the Freshman and sophomores loved it but with the rest of troop 69 and Me being a 9th year senior- do it Right next time.

  • 21 and up only
  • fire out 10 kegs
  • hire Elvis Costello to come and rile up the crowd
  • Have 1 I repeat 1 dance/step troop
  • don't make the event last two hours- 30 minutes tops or until the free kegs run out.
  • actually get a Clemson student and ridicule his ass on stage and then light fire to the Field and burn everything( wild fire Style)

Now that would be a pep rally. This is tradition -get traditional some one go and steal Howard's rock or something. We did win the Blood drive and on Saturday the ole' cocks are going to stick it to those taters in the upstate.



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