Sunday, November 30, 2008

December watch your Ass.......

Hey Yinzers,

So the Big news of the Weekend was the Steelers drumming the Patriots-picture Perfect. Yeah Yeah no Tom Brady, who cares. The Defense, for the Steelers was on-that was it. 33-10 final deal with it. Love the constant turnovers, Applicable Offense and Awesome Defense and only two sacks for Ben tonight. Oh Matt Cassel, I wish you were as good as everyone says you are- oh by the way you are not.

In Penguins News ,

Sidney Crosby had a hat trick the other night vs the devils.So all the neh- Sayers say that Sid is done Give me a break- seriously. He is the next coming of, Mario.

As you read from the A rod, The Cocks of south Carolina were beaten so bad that It was embarrassing. Call the cops . Not only did Clempson destroy us, we are now dedicating the Smelley Cock award once a week to the stupidest Athlete of the week. Also there was a rumor that the reason the S. garcia did not come into the game is that Steve Spurrier Found out that during the teams 4 days off, he returned to Columbia with Alcohol Poisoning.

I do however, Have to give props to the Clemson Fans they were very nice to us while we were there. I have to give bigger props to their student section/and the hill - band and everyone who jumped to Zombie nation a mill on times. It was what College football is all about. -hate to say it

but Carolina should take notes-

Hope everyone has a great start to their week!


Eff That Smelley Cock

This is a typical Spurrier pose when dealing with the worst quarterback in the NCAA, Chris Smelley. After throwing four interceptions in yesterday's ugly loss to Clemson, Smelley Cock just solidified everyone's thoughts on why he should never take the helm for the Gamecocks again, or anywhere for that matter. Smelley was literally throwing to non-existent players. When he threw the int's it looked like he was playing for Clemson--I smell sabotage. Maybe that was interim coach Dabo Swinney's tactic to win--pay off Smelley. Red shirt freshman Stephen Garcia was out with a terrible case of the flu which was unfortunate, but hell, they should've dragged Tommy Beecher off the bench for Christ's sake! Spurrier needs to wake up and realize that Smelley shouldn't even suit up for the bowl game or next season. This was a despicible performance by any Gamecock quarterback that I've ever seen. This game should've been much closer, if not a W.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Td What-ya mean Turkey Day Touchdown!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Yinzers,

So as I get misty eyed by getting ready to tell you why I am thankful for being on the planet one more year. It is pretty easy. I love my life. I get better opportunities everyday and I am thankful for all that I come in contact with. I love my family and friends and I am thankful for all three Pittsburgh teams, Carolina, Louisville, Pitt and the Penn State.

Thanks To my Side Kick A-rod , Best friend The Heckler and Fellow scholar Jim for making the MSM a special thing . Not just because that we can vent, rant rave and share with you every day but that we made it.( like the Frankenstein monster) I am thank full for the following we have with the Wash Dc clan, to the Brognano's at State and in the Beaver Falls Area. I am thank full for the Best grandparents in the world in Springdale and everyone else I left out. (Coaltrain, Cowboy Troy and Especially Paul at the Philly eatery)

Thank you to the great readers that we have, Thanks for reading all the nonsense that we put up on a daily basis. Thanks for coming back again, and again. Thanks to my new troop 69 and that questionable loner from camping.

Thanks to my tailgate group and all the new and wonderful stories we will have to tell in the upcoming months and the new year......

And finally The heckler and I made a rule that you cannot listen to Christmas music or watch a Christmas story until Friday- that is exactly what I am doing at the Parents home.

Here are the Picks for this weekend:

Carolina over Clempson

Steelers Over Pats

Florida Over fla State

Pitt over WVU

App State over SCSU

We are making our way to death Valley on Friday so there will be no MSM. I hope everyone has money to shop over this upcoming weekend and we look forward to giving you a total update of the game and The weekend. Be careful traveling.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ah yes, as another Thanksgiving roles around we realize how much we have to be thankful for this year. Nix's slump, countless Sarah Palin jokes, a booming economy and much much more. But really, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It's not too often I get to gorge myself sick, drink beer and watch football, nap, eat, watch more football...zzzz. After Thursday Nix and I will be headed to purgatory (a.k.a. Clemson) to be exposed to non-english speaking inbred degenerates. Chris Smelley is scheduled to start which may be the demise of Spurrier's career, hopefully he's bluffing and we're going in there to blindside those Ligers. Anyhow have a Happy Thanksgiving and GO COCKS!


P.S. Yes I know this isn't a pic that makes you want to drain the main vein but deal with it.

Attention: This image may be disturbing, if you have a weak stomach or are a member of PETA please refrain from viewing.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Did you Know what they did?

Hey Yinzers,

So this is the big week here at USC for the Rival Clemson game.After a one year hiatus The Tiger burn was back and in full affect. I love tradition, I really do -but whom the hell plans this stuff here In retrospect is what happened:

We get to the spot of the control arson burn of a huge mechanical Tiger who continually burps on the crowd- how appropriate it is a alcohol free event.( oh yeah like that works)

Then the B team cheerleaders hit the stage, with no band and the second string Cocky whom is awesome!GO cocks!

Then it was the first set of Dance troop members - trying to roll out? I guess..... then it was on to the next three sets of dance troop that no one in their right sober mind knew what the hell was going on? Back at the Tiger-

Still NO Burning, no Fire what the hell nothing back to you Tim in the Studio...................

Then another Dance team From the DNR department of USC's outdoor department they did a rendition of Peter Pans Slam Dance spectacular!

So then by accident in between the next two dance troops someone flicked a cigarette onto the Tiger and the sucker went up...........................So campus officials ran out and put the fire out so they could get on the next few more Dance troops to rally the crowd for our big game in death valley this week. Finally to end this tremendous pep rally they brought out the Clemson pep band and they preformed their rendition of "Oh that's my wife and My sister" great job Breeders.

Needless to say I am getting way to old and critical for this shit, I am sure that the Freshman and sophomores loved it but with the rest of troop 69 and Me being a 9th year senior- do it Right next time.

  • 21 and up only
  • fire out 10 kegs
  • hire Elvis Costello to come and rile up the crowd
  • Have 1 I repeat 1 dance/step troop
  • don't make the event last two hours- 30 minutes tops or until the free kegs run out.
  • actually get a Clemson student and ridicule his ass on stage and then light fire to the Field and burn everything( wild fire Style)

Now that would be a pep rally. This is tradition -get traditional some one go and steal Howard's rock or something. We did win the Blood drive and on Saturday the ole' cocks are going to stick it to those taters in the upstate.



Sunday, November 23, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Be Glad this isn't you...Doin' da Hoodrat Thang

Oh Lord, imagine if this was your kid--I'd drop him off in the woods. This is a quintisential example of poor parenting. If your kid is 7 years old and smoking cigarettes and doing "hoodrat thangs" you need to reevaluate your parenting skills--or get fixed. A week after this vagrant child went on this rampage he assaulted his grandmother in a store because she wouldn't buy his tubby little ass chicken wings. It's stories like this that may make you think that your life isn't as bad as you think it is.

A-ROD( if you don't laugh your ass off at 1:40 get a life)

Insert Blog Title Here

Well it looks like the Bungles oxidized under the weight of the Steelers not the 40-50 points that some analysts were calling for though, and when I say analyst I mean Nix or Wade or whatever he's calling himself these days. Good Call Buddy.

The Celts Continue to tear up the parquet and I am not talking about a butter substitute I am talking about the basketball court. Kudos to Ainge's boys. Danny you nearly bankrupted the team getting Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett but it's paid its dividends which is good news because nothing else is at this point. But I am glad the Celts are back and their colors have finally fallen into favor as way of Identifying gang members. We aren't quite up there with Mike Vick Jerseys or the Raiders but we'll get there soon enough.

In an effort to create drama around the mid season doldrums in the NFL they have decided to reinstate Pacman Jones... Good Idea, well at least he hasn't change his name to some sort of spanish numeral combination yet, give it some time though, he'll either do something like that or knock over a liquor. Oh the fun that is going to ensue. I blame all the NFL's problems on Jerry Jones.... I mean just look at that guy he's a snake oil salesment if I ever seen one.

Awww Brady Quin is hurt... No more Protein shake commercials for him.

In other news NFL nice guy and clef chin lover apparently pals around with unrepentant homeless men taking in Paul Rudd movies when not on the practice field. This guy is turning into the Jimmy Stewart of the NFL.

A-ROD YOU SUCK. (not A-rod from the blog the one that claims to play for the Yankees)

Bad blog today I apologize


Thursday, November 20, 2008

The US of A is Serious.............

Okay, go ahead and giggle a little bit. This may seem good and funny but it really adds insult to injury. This guy is what is called a TCN or "Third-Country National," someone that works with coalition forces in support of combat operations. Take it from me, a former Marine and combat veteran, this behavior doesn't go unnoticed. More so, this just muffs up our already severed relations with the Iraqi and Afghani people. Marines, Soldiers, Airmen and Seamen need to do their jobs with honor, dignity and respect and leave the crude jokes for a-holes back home that have nothing better to do. Don't forget, you're representing the best country in the world--so act like it.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thirsty Thursday!

Hey Yinzers,

As an early week present the Steelers play tonight at home versus the Hapless Bengals. I love these games it gives me and A Rod a reason to get tipsy during the week. Not only will I partake in Fosters Friday, But I am going to get ready for the steelers bright and early tomorrow.... 1 class and then get ready for them Bengals. Here are the Facts:

1. Steelers offense is hurting, but they still keep winning.

2. Bengals are not even going to get close, If i were the bus driver I would let them off and then drive back to cinnci and say there was an accident

3. Forfeit Bengals

4. Wear my favorite Bengals shirt tomorrow

5. Forfeit Bengals

So I absolutely hate the Bengals.

I also love that we can celebrate the Steelers in the week, I am off work and going to have one hell of a night.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will unleash my personal diary from the camping trip this weekend I am sure I will have lots of Dirt on A- rod and his adventures in the forest.
On friday before we leave we are having a cornhole tournament at Pauls Philly eatery in Columbia with cash prizes please stop by and say hi and buy a few dollar beers while you are at it.

have a great weekend! NIX


Could this be the reason that Reggie Bush is on fire when his now "fiancee" Kim Kardashian attends his games? Maybe. Reggie's performance while Kim's been in attendance has been ungodly, too bad there isn't a prayer for the Saints. Unlike other players, (cough, cough) Tony Romo, Bush doesn't buckle when his lady-friend is in attendance. Perhaps Jessica just isn't putting out, or maybe it's because she's asking Tony what a first down is. Whatever the case may be, Kim you need to show up to Reggie's games for the Saints to even have a prayer. And Jessica, keep on chowing down on your chicken by the sea...Tony you suck.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November ,whatever, It's Tuesday!

Hey Yinzers,

So it's a short week for the steelers as they get ready for the Bungals on Thursday night. I think that Thursday night games are a huge waste of time. If I still lived in Pittsburgh I would be siked but I don't . This just means I have to call off work and then have to drudge through Friday at school and work. I hate the Thursday night games.

Marc Cuban world renowned idiot and NBA owner, has been busted for insider trading. Ok so this thing is probably going to play out like the Martha Stewart thing from a few years ago. I guess this means he won't be buying the hapless Cubs any time soon.Sorry Cubs fans you suck again.

Ahh the Penguins are playing tonight 7pm against the Minnesota Wild. they are riding a 6 game win streak and kind of burning up the ice right now. I am very impressed that they got their act together so quickly.

Here in Columbia the Gamecocks have the week off so there is rumor of a camping trip this weekend somewhere in the upstate. Do my friends know that it is going to be in the low 30's - ok so what is that going to entail? Lots of booze great answer. Big game up at Clempson next week though.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday and stop in at Paul's for a Real Philly Cheese steak today!


Monday, November 17, 2008


Okay listen, I know that there are still two undefeated teams in the NCAA that are ranked in the top two slots--fine, no problem. But Texas ahead of Florida?? Both teams have one loss, and yes Texas has played more games, but look at the dominance that Florida has displayed since the season opener. The Gators have put a combined 329 points up this season against their opponents and mind you they have two games left on the regular season. The Gators are in the toughest conference in college football--the SEC. Enjoy it while you can Colt because it's not going to last long, and you'd better pray that your Longhorns don't face the Blue and Orange in the BCS Championship. Florida, you deserved the top slot and everyone will see that come December 6 at the SEC Championship in Atlanta.

Gators Trounce Cocks...

Low and behold the Gators absolutely embarrass the Gamecocks at Spurrier's old chomping grounds. If it weren't for alternating the quarterbacks every play Carolina may have been able to put at least ONE touchdown on the board.--Smelley you suck, hurry up and graduate. The loss didn't come as a surprise but the massacre was gut-wrenching. With the Carolina momentum halted, they better come back and be ready for the inbreeders in Clemson. If Carolina goes to Death Valley and loses a lot of fans will be throwing in the towel for Gamecock athletics.

On a lighter note, Sugar Mountain, North Carolina is open for business today. The lows are actually in the teens already. Expect some blown snow and natural snow in the next couple of days and get out there and hit the slopes.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

The UFC is back

Hey Yinzers,

So UFC fight on Saturday night as awesome . we watched it in Winston Salem with the Osman brothers. Needless to say Brock lessnar was just too much man against Randy couture. Oh well an Ex-wrestler is now the Heavy weight champion of the world. I guess we will figure it out when e has to fight Frank Mir after his December 27Th fight.

So how boring is the Monday night game this week Browns and the Bills. Two teams that have no business being on Monday night football. would someone really explain to me why they pick the marque match up for the week. Dumb just dumb.

This was the opening weekend of College basketball the biggest upset this weekend was The Kentucky wildcats loss to VMI 111-103 at Rupp arena. Not really a big surprise, I was more surprised about the point total. Rod and I attended the gamecocks vs gamecocks game needless to say the real gamecocks won on Friday night. Thanks to Paul's Philadelphia eatery for our pregame and post game food. Look out for Pitt and Louisville duke and Carolina( the blue one).

Penguins made a trade yesterday Daryl Sydor is now gone, we got a defenseman from somewhere. I will tell you more about the trade this week.

And finally I received the worst haircut of my life this week. Look at the 4 inches taken off the back of my neck - She screwed up so bad she didn't even show me the back when I was in the chair. Watch your ass sports clips.
Steelers won in a heart attack finish vs the charges. It was the first time in NFL history that a game ended 11-10 as the score. Welcome back Willie.
Hope every one has a great week!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

jims venting

While Tony Romo is out breaking his pinky off in Jessica Simpson's Ass the rest of the NFL is Playing one of the most and at the same time least Exciting seasons that I have ever lost interest in. From looking at the standings you think WOW! Most of these teams, minus the Lions who are about as effective as Jake Delhomme being your spokes Person, are neck and neck! On paper yes this is a very exciting time to be a football fan, but I find myself bored. I have had to watch Basketball to get the contact I crave... You get'em Yao. I just don't know? the Titans 9-0? the Panthers 7-2? the Giants 8-1? These three teams do not excitement me, it's like watching Tampa Bay go the World Series *yawn*. Maybe they'll be some excitement this weekend. Maybe former Jets QB Mark Wahlberg we'll show up and Shoot Brett Farve in the head to regain his starting spot and then dance in a snow vest and his Calvin Kleins. No but Seriously Mark you are a good Actor. You're about as good as A-Rods been with the Yankees for the Last Four years... YOU SUCK A-ROD!

My question for the NFL is where is the story line this year. I just can't see where this is going or think you do either. If you are going to try and do the whole undefeated season thing again with Titans what's the point you would be dumb to, just flat out stupid. Yes I am say professional Football is scripted some things since 2001 have just happened to perfectly not be. Please figure out where you are going with this season and in a hurry ratings are down. I know I work in a TV station your tanking no one cares any more don't be like the show Lost, cut them while you are ahead, your losses that is.

Maybe this week will bring the excitement I crave or Maybe Mangini will Finally have that heart attack we have all been waiting for.

Just remember people don't blame me I vote third Party.

Now if I may raise a glass for a moment...

May the road Rise to meet you
May the wind always be at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hands.


Mom likes Fighting.......

Hey Yinzers,

So this weekend A-Rod and I are heading to Winston NC to hang out with one of my oldest friends David O. We have been Friends ever since he told an inappropriate joke in my 1st year English class in College. David O always has big UFC fight parties and things usually get out of control. Here is this weekends Fight card Preview for UFC 91:

The Main event is usually myself trying to stay sober enough to see the fight, but this time I will be bright eyed and bushy tailed to watch former WWE wrestler , Brock Lesnar vs 45 yr old Randy The natural Couture.

Randy Couture Vs. Brock Lesnar

Kenny Florian Vs. Joe Stevenson

Gabriel Gonzaga Vs. Josh Hendricks

Nate Quarry Vs. Demian Maia

Dustin Hazelett Vs. Tamdan McCrory

I don't know what the deal is today But I really couldn't get good fight videos on the rest of these guys. Well the fight is on Saturday night at 10pm. It is the most violent and awesome fighting spectacle left int he world. i know allot of people say it is barbaric etc. but the thing is I grew up in a boxing family and we loved to watch fight that no longer exists. the ufc can not drop the ball on this fight. The last few fights have not even been close to the hype. I have no real prediction on this fight other than the O household will be rocking.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and , the Gamecocks can pull off the huge upset in the swamp. Oh by the way - I pray that the steelers don't blow it vs the bolts on Sunday as well.

Have a great weekend !

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hello all,

We've found a babe for Alana.

Alana is a dancer at the University of South Carolina and an avid Gamecocks football fan.  Let's just say she knows the team REAL well.  I don't care what team it is, you put a minx like that in any jersey I'm pulling for them--literally.  Nix needs to meet someone special and someone that considers age as "just a number." (You know who you are)  So if you see Alana around slap her ass and give her a "good game."



Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Smilin' Like the Butchers Dog- It's Hockey time
Hey Yinzers,

Well Kiss my Grits it's hockey season and I love to play hockey. I absolutely love hockey, as for the Heckler he hates it and that is why we are dedicating the NHL 09 preview to him today and tomorrow. ( The Brogs decided that they would take the good ole Pittsburgh Family picture for the Site today)

The best team around is always going to be the Penguins, so get over it. Lets start with their division.

The Atlantic ( Or the HOT-Lantic)

Pittsburgh Penguins: after a long season , and being let down in the Stanley cup finals. The pens have allot to prove. They unloaded half their team to the Tampa Bay Lightning and the other half is still wondering why. Sid and Geno are quite the pair and should be able to run the table late in the season. They do not have Gary Roberts or that other ass hole that went to Detroit. They still are my pick to win the division and the Cup- Deal.

New York Rangers: why in the hell would you give JJ up for an over seas contract to Russia. Even so they are stacked with two hellacious lines of scoring power, with the pick up of Wade Redden and Hedrik lundquist they are solid and at this point leading the Pens by 4 points. Look for them to be the hardest team to beat in this division.

New Jersey Devils: Good ole' Satan's team. I hate the Devils enough said. I received an early Christmas gift this year when long time goal tender Martin Brodeur went down with an elbow injury and had to have surgery. The 69 year old goal tender might want to hang it up after this year. ( My opinion) no really they are always good in this division but it will totally count on the return of Brodeur.

Philfadelphia Flyers: enjoy your world series win because your hockey team is trash. Also doesn't your coach cry about absolutely everything. There is not one name on the roster worth watching- OK KNUBLe that is it. As you can see I am a huge fan of our in state rivals. I hope they continue to suck.

New York Islanders: They are the Cincinnati Bengals of this division. Although I do not dislike them at all. They produced the likes of Mike Bossie and Bryan Trottier( my fav of all time). They have no shot to get out of the cellar in this division unless the Philly tribe decides to suck more than average this year.

I will continue on with this riveting preview tomorrow. I mean Thursday!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mutha Flipper

Hey Yinzers,

So I live , eat and breathe sports. This weekend was big for me. We had Paul's 1st ever Corn hole tournament, then Gamecock Homecoming and finally steeler Sunday. I am really kind of pissed about the Steeler loss.

The steelers are falling apart in the second half of games this year. I mean like a cheap suit. Ben Rothelisburger threw a int and in doing so threw the game away to Mayton Panning and his gang of tards. I just love beating teams to death and then throwing it away. I don't think ( just me opinion) that we will go very far , if we even make the playoffs. We need a healthy Ben, Willie and miller back. I know we are going to loose games but when you loose like this it just sucks.

- like Hindenburg sucks.

The penguins are fighting through the first part of this marathon season. They are hanging in there but not anything great lately. They won the last two games and later on this week I am going to do a NHL preview.

Big win by Pitt this weekend over the Louisville Cardinals, BC shut out Notre Dame and of course Penn State lost.

Lots of great stuff coming up this week. Thanks for reading the MSM.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barask Obama is What?

Hey Yinzers,

So As you know This is a sports blog- with really bad jokes here and there. Mostly just bad jokes this week. I am going to do a big NHL preview next week and get you up to date with the NFL over the weekend.

But until then Our new President BO is already written a mandate that all middle schoolers in Atlanta must Rap about the new presidency ( kind of like Mad max beyond thunder dome) if they do not comply their parents will be taken ...and be relocated with Sara palin and the Snow mexicans in Alaska-
Have a great weekend,
Go stillers, gamecocks, and nittany lions!( oh my)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Virtual Diary #4

OOOh Dear Dairy,

ITs beeen a couple of rough days since dat der election wrapped up. Me and John have had it preety bad in dat der press. I can'ts believe dat we lost dat der election. I have failed all women every where.

I tink dat my husband may have sold my baby up here in Alaska to a snow Mexican family( Eskimos).

I feel so bad for dem with no energy reform dos Mexicans will never get out of dem der igloos.....oh well. At least I got those 6 months of darkness coming up- out here in dat der Alaska.

I did like all dem der Sexy Principal/librarian references dat all those perverts always referred to me as. I know how to get my party on. Well 4 more big years of change, and I don't mean John's depends.

good night America.....

S. Palin

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Meet Tina...
Tina's a first time voter who claims she won't know who to vote for until she gets in the voting booth.  Although Tina's a registered Republican she's got a soft spot for Obama.  

"I just want to see like-change or something."

"The biggest election I've been a part of was my sorority's presidential election, GO TRI-DELTS!"

Tina may not be an elitist in the intellectual department but when you've got a bod like that she doesn't have to be.