Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Truck Tuesday

Hey Yinz,

So I have been a major slacker for the past couple of weeks! My apologies!

There isnt a whole lot to report on, but I am happy to tell you all that mine and wade's trip to the burgh is less than 4 weeks away. We have our plane tickets booked, our rental car booked and our tickets to the Steelers game - only 5 rows up from the Steelers bench might I add! I hate to wish away half of Decemeber, but I am ready to get there!

Because I have lived in the south my entire life, Wade took me shopping for hard core cold weather clothes for this trip. Last January we went to the Papa John's Bowl in B'ham, Al and I almost froze...but I didnt wear socks with my flat shoes, which obviously wasn't very smart either. I'm sure at the Steelers game it will be much colder and I definitely want to be warm enough to enjoy this game. We purchased a lot for me to layer at the game...I just hope that my small jersey will fit over all the layers when we are at the game. And I am also a little bit concerned about fitting all the layers in my little carry on. There is no way I am paying $50 to check a bag.

Speaking of the airport, I am definitely looking forward to being groped in security. Apparently, it has gotten worse in the past couple of months. A Fb friend of mine even posted, " Hey TSA- If I wanted someone half heartedly patting my groin without eye contact, I'd get married." Interesting thought.

Well Yinz, thats all I have for now! I hope you have safe travels this week and a happy thanksgiving with family and friends!


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