Saturday, November 6, 2010

Let's Go Pens

Hola Yinz!

It's a beautiful SoCal Day! I don't mean to complain, but it has been in the upper 90's- TOO HOTT TO HANDLE!

Brett, Me, Joy, & Josh

(Joy and Josh are not really fans, but I made them dress for success if they wanted to sit with me :))

I got to see my Pens play last night! We drove to Anaheim to see the Pens take on the Ducks. It's so exciting to be around fellow fans! The crowd was about 50/50 Pens fans, and we defiantly out yelled the Ducks fans. LET'S GO PENS! Unfortunately, you already know the outcome, but that did not change the fact that the Pittsburghers took over the bar across the street after the game.

Oh, by the way.... I think I might be cursed. I've never seen the Pens win live... and I have been to quite a few games. Any ideas on how to get rid of it?

Overall, It was an awesome Pittsburgh moment this week.

Ready for Monday Night...Bungles!
Labuda on the Left Coast

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