Friday, October 16, 2009

Welcome Home


For approximately the past 26 hours, mother nature has dumped right around four inches of snow on State College, PA. The Centre Daily Times released the fact that the snowfall on October 15, 2009 is the earliest recorded snowfall in State College since records were written down in the late 1800's. Personally, I am a child of winter and have reverted back to my 6 year old self. Every time I step foot outside and feel the cooling sensation of each unique snowflake on my greasy, Italian face, my day becomes that much better. I remember back to the blizzards we used to have back in the early 90's when my twin brother and I could tunnel through the snow because it was as deep as our young shoulders were tall. This is going to be a homecoming to remember, folks.

First off, I would like to welcome back all of the alumni making the trek to this winter wonderland on Friday. I wish them all a safe trip, especially my family, including that little southern boy they're bringing with them (C Brog), even though they aren't alumni. Homecoming festivities are all day today on campus with rallies, activities and campus tours. The annual Homecoming Parade is tonight at 6:00 pm. It starts at the Intramural building, runs downtown and up to the Recreation building. Hopefully ynz can make it aht.

Oh yea, there's a football game this weekend, too. This year's Homecoming game pits your Nittany Lions against the Golden Gophers of Minnesota. The rodents come into tomorrow's game at 4-2 with a 2-1 record in the Big-10 conference. As compared to years past, the Gophers are playing some good ball, losing only to #8 California and Wisconsin. Quarterback Adam Weber is having a very good year with over 1200 passing yards and a rating of 120.6. The key for Penn State will be getting pressure on Weber early and often.

As for your Nittany Lions, Sean Lee should be back in the lineup this week. All I can really say about Nittany Nation this week is that I hope the same team shows up that showed up the last two weeks in a row. If we can play a complete game such as those, there is no team in the Big-10 that can beat us. Keys for Penn State will be getting pressure on Adam Weber and being efficient with the ball...sound familiar? It's a winning strategy ladies and gentlemen. As for a prediction, I expect this game to be a lot closer than the previous two based on the caliber of the opponent and the snowy conditions.

Go! State! Kill! The Gophers!

For the Glory,

B Brog

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