Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who makes these decisons?


So first off the Blog is not going so hot this summer. Lots of work and not alot of sports to jump into. I will try harder to get everyone through to the end of the month until Latrobe.

On a crappier note, If you are not from the Pittsburgh area, then you probably won't understand today's blog 18 years ago on a little known cable station called KBL a call in talk show emerged with two unbelievable hosts. After 18 years Sportsbeat has not been renewed on Fox sports Pittsburgh. Stan Saveran and Guy Junker were the two pillars of this sports shows institution. It is a damn shame that when the local Pittsburgher needed Pittsburgh sports and only pittsburgh sports they turned to SportsBeat.

Here is the final clip.

We "DO" and Always will Love the Show!


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