Sunday, July 19, 2009

Stiller's History Lesson


So my Roommate and I were watching the History of the Pittsburgh Steelers tonight and I had to write about some of the things that make me proud to be a Steelers fan. Not only do we have a rich tradition on the field but off the Field as well. We watched the NFL film about Franco's Italian Army.

If you don't know what that is here is a quick overview of Franco's Italian Army was. It was a group of guys whom ran a bakery in Pittsburgh whom got together and celebrated Franco Harris and the Pittsburgh Steelers on a Weekly basis. Years after Franco was done playing he still goes to the Bakery that is now a Pizzeria and meets up with them to reminisce about the Super Bowl runs.

I think that the fan clubs of old, like The Italian Army led the next generation of Steeler Fans to be the way that we are now. With a steeler Bar in every town of the Earth - we truly are Steeler Nation.

Football can't get here quick enough!


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