Thursday, July 30, 2009



The Pittsburgh Steelers made another step toward repeating as the world champs once again. Heath Miller the great Hands TE has signed for 6 years 6. something million.

As Ben and the boys hit camp today/tomorrow there is going to a lot of bad press because of that broad in Vegas. Ok well there is no need to even talk about this non-case and talk about how Ben Is going to be in the upcoming season.

I hope every one is as excited about the steelers going to preseason as I am . One last thing , my favorite time of year is Fall - we are on the verge of it. I am like a kid at Christmas without the Christmas.

Yeah that,


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Here it comes....


I have been counting the hours until The World Champions hit Latrobe- Friday that is when the boys head to camp. I am pumped. On paper this year we look great but as you know we will not know until the boys get on the Field and prove their worth.

Steelers Came to contract with the 32ND pick in the draft out of MIZZOU Ziggy Hood. He must be amazing for the steelers to jump on him for a first round draft pick. On top of that I am beyond excited to see what our Defense looks like. There are actually allot of things to be excited about this year, we get R. Mendenhall back from injury along with D. Sepulveda the Famed Punter who blew his leg out last year.

I know that Points win games, but Defense wins World Championships.There is also big talk about what 32 year old Tom Brady is going to do with the age depleated Patriots- I really think that they will be solid but no major showing. So until Friday.....HERE WE GO!
BUCO update:

Pirates are at Chase Field playing the Arizona Diamondbacks for a 4 game set. The other night the Bucos dropped 10 runs on the backs and to return the favor last night zona beat the Pirates 7-0. They play the final game of the series Sunday afternoon at 4pm.

In all honesty with the other two major clubs in Pittsburgh doing so well people overlook that the Pirates are not doing so bad considering that they have stunk for the past 16 years. Until we clean house the pirates will still be the pirates.On the other side they are only 8.5 games out of first place. Seriously this is the best the bucs have been in years.

Lastly If you have not joined the Igloo Club 222 on Facebook please do so!

Have a great first half of your week! Great Song bout the Burgh!

Meow- you Cougar!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bi- Weekly Posts!


So I have come to the conclusion that since my work schedule is so rigorous that My blogging has suffered and the 17 people that read this blog on an almost daily basis are suffering too.

So instead of quiting , and we are in the boringest part of the sports year, I am dropping back to blogging twice a week. ( until Football season starts).

Thanks for understanding, and oh by the way the only thing that Big Ben is going to rape this year is that Baltimore D.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Stiller's History Lesson


So my Roommate and I were watching the History of the Pittsburgh Steelers tonight and I had to write about some of the things that make me proud to be a Steelers fan. Not only do we have a rich tradition on the field but off the Field as well. We watched the NFL film about Franco's Italian Army.

If you don't know what that is here is a quick overview of Franco's Italian Army was. It was a group of guys whom ran a bakery in Pittsburgh whom got together and celebrated Franco Harris and the Pittsburgh Steelers on a Weekly basis. Years after Franco was done playing he still goes to the Bakery that is now a Pizzeria and meets up with them to reminisce about the Super Bowl runs.

I think that the fan clubs of old, like The Italian Army led the next generation of Steeler Fans to be the way that we are now. With a steeler Bar in every town of the Earth - we truly are Steeler Nation.

Football can't get here quick enough!


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who makes these decisons?


So first off the Blog is not going so hot this summer. Lots of work and not alot of sports to jump into. I will try harder to get everyone through to the end of the month until Latrobe.

On a crappier note, If you are not from the Pittsburgh area, then you probably won't understand today's blog 18 years ago on a little known cable station called KBL a call in talk show emerged with two unbelievable hosts. After 18 years Sportsbeat has not been renewed on Fox sports Pittsburgh. Stan Saveran and Guy Junker were the two pillars of this sports shows institution. It is a damn shame that when the local Pittsburgher needed Pittsburgh sports and only pittsburgh sports they turned to SportsBeat.

Here is the final clip.

We "DO" and Always will Love the Show!


Monday, July 13, 2009

Long hot boring summer!


So it has finally set in , the dog days of summer. Plus other than the UFC fight the other night there has not been a whole lot to blog about......So The MSM has decided to bring you daily a part of the Steeler Nation that we are all looking forward to as the Boys Hit Latrobe in less than two weeks. Send us you best steeler picture last season and we will post one daily until the upcoming preseason.!
Thanks again from the MSM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Yinz watch my hau-se"


Apologies first and foremost about not being able to blog or in fact even get on a puter all this week. I have been House sitting for a former Professor of mine for this week.

Pens News focuses on Max Talbot will be out for the first two months of the NHL season because of having shoulder surgery this week .

The Igloo Club will be celebrating the UFC's 100 this Saturday night: CLICK HERE

I will be back up blogging hard in the weeks to come!

Hope all is well where you are, and remember your celebrating the summer of Black n Gold!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy BIrthday America


So this weekend is the official start of the Summer of Black N Gold. I love hearing other fans from other cities bitch about how Pittsburgh stinks- ok .

Please continue to bitch- Because I love it. ( I can't hear /see them because of the 3 Stanley cups and 6 Lombardi's I have in my ear/eye)

By the way if you have Vets in your family or know a ex military let them know how much America's Birthday means to you. We are the greatest Nation In the World. God willing We will continue to be that way.

Have a great 4th of July- And Play some Neil Diamond coming to America this weekend!

From the MSM Happy 4th, Be safe

Senator and the Staff.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Buccos at it again

Hey everyone! I'm Michael and I've been asked by the president of the Tom Brady fan club, Nix, to give some information on the buccos bounty from their trades. Not sure if you heard but they traded Nyjer Morgan and Sean Burnett (former #1 pick) to the Nationals for Lastings Milledge and Joel Hanrahan. They also traded Eric Hinkse to the yankees; more on that later.

The pirates are the clear winner in this deal. Burnett was going better in the reliever role than starter and the pirates never really gave him a shot. Hanrahan has some bad numbers this year, mainly due to pitching in the WBC, but has much better stuff than Burnett and will fit in nicely in the setup role. The crown jewel of the trade is Milledge; think Andrew McCutchen with more power but more baggage. If he can pull it all together, the pirates should be a force in the NL central. They have done a great job of actually acquring high end talent (albeit prospects) for their major league average talent, unlike Dave Littlefield.

The Eric Hinkse trade was for a pitcher Casey Erickson and Eric Fryer. Nothing special about these guys but Eric Hinkse wasn't nothing special either. Erickson might be a middle reliever and Fryer can be a good ultimate utility guy.

All in all, the pirates are building great organizational depth and getting high end guys in their minors which is exactly the opposite of what Dave Littlefield did. Look for the pirates to turn heads next season and definitely in 2011.

Pittsburgh Mike

NHL Trading Deadline-


Early this week the Penguins locked up BG and Craig Adams for contracts to take another run at the cup. Today The pens will answer big questions about the Playoff warrior Fedetenko, Gill and the "Piece" rob Scuderi.

Scuds has now become big news in Pittsburgh about wether he would stay, or would he hit the money road like former Penguin Ryan Malone. Scuds has already said that his big wish is to stay in the Burgh- we should know something about nooner today.

Lets GO pens!