Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Get on Your Wedensday!!!!!!!

Hey Y'all,

Well we got Jiggy with it last night at the Wing , Thanks for all that came out last night to see SD and I at Karaoke'.Big shout about those Penguins in the City of Brothers that love last night. Eastern Conference is now Pittsburgh 3-0 over the Philadelphia Flyers. Lots going on with the show this weekend- stay tuned as we find out where the Turner and Tyler Morning Y'all Turnative is going to be . It is sweater vest Wed because of a little office tirade earlier in the week.

Look who's cooler now!!!!
Just wanted to say thanks to all the brand new friends that we met last night , and too all our friends that are listening all over this Land.

Well talk to Y'all tomorrow,



Unknown said...

I am amazed.

Anonymous said...

hey man, i got this article in an email. it's from The Sporting News and is written by a dude who is neither from Pittsburgh nor a die-hard Penguins fan. just thought you'd like to read it.