Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hola Yinz,

I hope all is well in your world! Many apologies for my lack of consistency in writing; my life has changed gears and jumped into the fast lane. I won't bog you down in the details.

I had a Steeler moment this week while teaching. I was questioning students on the first day of school about their favorite things, and I asked, "Do you like football; how about the Chargers" (an unfortunate side effect of living in San Diego). As you would think, most of the students raised their hands, but there was one boy in the front of the class who did not. He stood up and said, "LETS GO STEELERS!" Smart boy :)

Once again I'm on the hunt for a new Steeler football watching haven. As you might guess, there are few Steeler bars in my area; it's a tough life as a West Coast Steeler fan. Although I'm in the process of converting my neighbors.
Until next week, HERE WE GO STEELERS!
Labuda on the Left Coast

1 comment:

Unknown said...

have you ever been to Bub's -