Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday my old friend


All is good in the land of Black n' Gold. Our beloved Penguins went 4-0 in the Preseason- the regular season comes up next Thursday for the home opener against the Flyers. No major injuries and no problem.

In Steelers News, people are beginning to say Ben Who? I would be quick to judge the top quarterback in the NFL( yeah yeah Brady , Manning, blah) . Charlie Batch proved last week why he is the best number 2 for us after all these years. This week however the Hated Ravens come to roost in Heinz Field. On paper the Ravens have the number one Defense in the NFL. How is that Possible?

Well we will have to take care of that on Sunday( at 1pm) get ready for the first slug fest of the Season!

I hope everyone enjoys the Hump day and enjoy this upcoming weekend!


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