Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Truck Tuesday

Hey y'all,

It is definitely a "y'all" kinda day (instead of "yinz") as the Gamecocks are so close to winning the College World Series, we can almost taste it! Last night the Cocks won 7-1 in the first game of the best of three series against the UCLA Bruins. I am not a huge baseball fan, but watching it, and other games during the CWS has made me proud to be a gamecock...for like the first time ever! Whether or not we win it, I will be most dissappointed that I did not go to a single game this season, and the stadium is less than a quarter mile from the Igloo Club, shame on me.

Game 2 comes on tonight at 7:30 EST, so watch it and cheer for the Cocks!

Well friends, as you may have noticed, my posts have been all over the place this summer...heck, since I started writing. I can't make any promises that my posts will begin to have a pattern, or theme, or just be more organized, but I am going to make a new attempt. One of my favorite things is random facts (have you ever read the magazine Mental Floss?) so I am going to try to finds these interesting random facts as they relate to Pittsburgh, sports, and anything that I personally feel like sharing.

This past week I came across an article about Longboard Hockey. What, you may ask, is Longboard Hockey? Well I was asking myself the same thing. Hopefully you are smarter than me and figured out that long board means skateboard and not surf board! Other than that the rules look about the same, but instead of a puck, a Sapporo beer can is used which is supposed to be the "toughest beer can on the market." There isn't a huge following of this sport (Surprise?), but I thought you hockey lovers might find it interesting. And if you ever find yourself playing hockey and you don't have a puck... you can always reach for a beer can.

Next week's post : There are so many people in China that if they made a single file line and walked passed you, you would die before you saw the end of the line...

Just Kidding, I am not going to write about that next week -But, it is one of my favorite fun facts!

Till Next Tuesday,

GO COCKS!!!!!!!!


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