Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Igloo Update


I am having trouble thinking of what to call the Monday Igloo Update once the Consol Energy Center takes center stage. If you have thoughts, post them. In Penguins news, Brooks Orpik underwent a successful hernia repair surgery. The doctor told him that he had all kinds of free candy backed up from not going deeper into the playoffs. The Pens also signed defenseman Steve Wagner to a one year, 2-way deal. Wagner was acquired in exchange for Nate Guenin back in February. Penguins' general manager Ray "Jukebox" Shero (he's got stars in his eyes) is back to the draft table in a few weeks. Shero has proven to be one of the masters of finding the right guys for the job and I guarantee he does so again this year.

In other news, Nix had no idea that Donnie Iris has his own brew of beer. King Cool Light is "fueled by cool...the light beer that rocks." Donnie "King Cool" Iris is a native of western Pennsylvania, a true legend in Pittsburgh and one-time neighbor of the Brognano family. King Cool Light is one of my favorite beers that I have tried, but unfortunately you can only get it in the Pittsburgh area. Ah, Leah! It tastes so good! The label has a rock concert scene, the cap has Buddy Holly glasses on it, and the label reads these words:

King Cool Light: A light American lager made with the fines domestic two- and six-row barley and a perfect blend of American and European hops. A touch of caramel malt gives it its brilliant amber color and rare flavor.
Brewed in the finest rock 'n roll tradition of uncompromising quality, this is my signature beer and I hope you enjoy it. Cheers!
Donnie Iris

If you want more information, check it out at

Also in the news, imagine this: USC breaking the rules? NO! It's sarcasm, people. The NCAA has revoked over 30 football victories and nearly as many basketball games from the University of Southern California due to the breaking of NCAA payment laws. Apparently Reggie Bush and O.J. Mayo received improper compensation in the form of vehicles, houses for their families and merchandise for playing at the school. The result? Two less bowl titles, about 30 less wins, and Penn State standing alone as the winningest college football program in the nation. I think a "HOLLA!" is in order? The ESPN headlines say "USC players earn passing grades." Upon further reading, I discover that the graduating USC football players average a C- in their classwork...Joe Paterno's Penn State Nittany Lions had approximately 75% of their graduating football players achieve at least a B average and many of those seeing their names on the Dean's list of 3.5 or higher. Take that Pete Carroll.

B Brog

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