Thursday, August 13, 2009

Welcome Back!

Well we are back in full force for the rest of the year! I had to take a little break to get back into the Black n Gold Swing!

The Steelers First preseason game had alot of positives tonight along with no Injuries. The main highlights that I can think of from tonight's open practice were , Sweed coming into his own with 2 catches for 42 yards along with first round draft pick Ziggy Hood with one tackle , and one sack. D. Dixon is up to standard. Finally R. Mendenhall averaged a 2.7 yards per carry. Frank the Tank only had a few carries for not.

As a unit standpoint , we looked very solid, along with trying to look at the second year guys Mendenhall has alot to prove along with our kicker Sepulveda. Sepulveda looked amazing with his huge punts of 90 and 95 yeards( kidding)

Great turn out at the Igloo CLub tonight( join on facebook) we had a great preseason crowd with a couple of newbies along for the ride. Man I am so glad that Football season is upon us once again!
If you have any ideas or comments about the Blog please do so on this site. I look forward to chatting with alot of yinz whom read it daily.

I am sending out a special Thanks to Murphy's Bar and Grill in Myrtle Beach for putting us on their Facebook Page. A special thanks to Steve B. For getting us on there and taking great care of us earlier this week!

I hope everyone has a great Weekend and Look for more Blogs about everything Pittsburgh Starting Monday!

Isac Redmann- undrafted Rookie Hope we keep you !
Here wE GO !


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