Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good and the Bad of it....


So today was a very tough day in the city of Pittsburgh as a senseless shooting took 3 people's lives. We here at the MSM send our thoughts and especially our prayers to those people's families.

The city of Pittsburgh will once again rise above and beyond for members of it's community. I have no doubt.

On a lighter note, The Brognano's are on their way to Sunny South Carolina as I type this entry. I look forward to taking about a million pictures this weekend as we celebrate the First pre-season game of Steelers football along with their first trip to the Igloo club 222( join on facebook).

The university of Pittsburgh has been picked to Win the Big East conference this upcoming Football Season. I shit you not, Wanstache actually may pull this off. Along with Joe Pa and the Lions winning the Big 11 this year- this may be the greatest sports year in the regions history.

If you have not watched the recent Penguins Stanley cup video - get it and watch it. It is amazing production from beginning to end. Not bad music either.

Everyone enjoy the rest of your week and the MSM will get back on a daily blogging basis in the weeks to come.

Enjoy what everyone has to offer today, and look forward to the things that you enjoy in life.
Lets Get Junkered!


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