Wednesday, January 7, 2009

less than 30 some hours till playoff football............

Hey Yinzers,

So here we are at Playoff Thursday. I am Pretty excited about Sunday and the possibilities of the Steelers heading farther into the playoffs. I have heard alot of playoff talk and No-body is really talking about the Steelers. People are giving the go ahead to the Panthers and the Eagles so far, but the toss up games are the AFC games.

Once again, In my AFC bias, it is because the competition is on a different level. The titans hosting the #2 defense Baltimore Ravens on Saturday -will be very interesting along with the Steelers hosting the Bolts on Sunday. I have full confidence in the Steelers taking care of Business in the late hours of this upcoming Sunday. As for the showdown in Titan-ville. It could get interesting. I kinda hope that the next round ( god willing ) will be in Pittsburgh.

So then , in less than 30 some hours I will have 25-30 people pre gaming at my house for the Steelers match's what I live for.

Oh the Menu you might ask:
-Permanti coleslaw
-Wade's Spicy Hot meatballs
-sauerkraut, Hot dogs and Kielbasi
-me being me

Until then watch this:

AS for Dave, Mike and Jarvis have a safe trip to the Mecca and bring us home a win!!!!!


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