Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl Eve

Hey Yinzers,

So I am officially in our Nations Capital on the way to the Burgh. The Freiss Compound was rocking last night with a complimentary Beer Pong tournament and Steeler Fight Songs blaring into the night.

As for the Big game -the consensus is , that we are all tired of the hype and the talk. We want them to just run out of the tunnel on Sunday and hit something.

The big news yesterday that I heard was that President Obama said that he felt that it was a great feel good story that the Arizona Cardinals got to the Super Bowl, but that the Pittsburgh Steelers would prevail.

There will be allot of slow cooking and Steeler talk today! I hope everyone has a great Steelers Super Bowl Eve.

Here We Go Steelers!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Black N' Gold Thursday!

Hey Yinzers,

So here it is, most Yinzers are probably getting into Tampa or the surrounding area today. The steel nation is painting Tampa Bay Black N gold as we speak. Like I said earlier in the week I have Huge Super Bowl Plans for this upcoming weekend. I am heading to Washington D.C. to the Freiss Compound to be reunited with Co-founder of the Steelers Nation in St. Louis David Freiss. Then I am heading to the Mecca, for what may be the Best week of my Life.


Washington, Pittsburgh- obliterated. I plan on cranking it up a notch with the Freiss boys like back in the day. I am very excited to see the rest of our group in the burgh in the upcoming week too. Mike, Jody, Jarvis, Chuck and other co-horts along the way. Yinz know what I mean.

For the Super Bowl you should totally stream in the Pittsburgh Steelers Pre-game from the best station on the Planet WDVE 102.5 Pittsburgh.

As for the Game itself, I have been totally over confident all week and that scares me a little. I will tell you that if I hear one more heart felt story about How Brenda Warner's Husband is the best human on the planet I may throw up.

For the Steeler Organization , Fans and Super Fans( Like MSM) we live for things like this weekend. We are put on this planet I believe to do something, I know there are allot of ups and downs in life, but being a Steeler Fan means so much when you are from Pittsburgh. It is the top of the mountain for our city, It is the top of the mountain through the bad times and good. It is a rock that has helped allot of people get through hard times too. It is our standard. We are damn good at football, that is what we do.

I have no prediction for the game, I hope that everyone will say extra prayers to their patron saint this weekend, and if you have not posted a time to swing the towel well please do so on the Wave web site.

I will have alot of steeler and Pittsburgh reports this weekend when I can , I do not know the computer capabilities that I am walking into. If I do not get back till late next week I will make it up to the MSM in grand fashion.

Until then, Hate the Cards, be proud where you are from , and know what you are a part of..........

The Steeler Nation.



Tuesday, January 27, 2009


How yinz doin'? I bet you'd like to take it dahn-tahn on this dame?! She is the light at the end of the tunnel after a long thunderous victory in Superbowl 43. Drink, have fun, win and for god's sake make THIS field goal!


(stay posted for a sexy surprise later this week--pre-bowl)

THIS JUST IN , The Mayor OF Phoenix is a Real JAGG OFF....

Hey Yinzers,

So I have no real hatred for Non-football fans. But today while listening to the Flag ship station of the Steelers DVE, they mentioned that the Mayor of Phoenix disrespected the Terrible Towel.

Ok So you should never pick on people that really don't know better, but what was this guy thinking? Your franchise that Just became relevant three weeks ago is now trying to disrespect something that has been around since 1975. You dumbass's lets see how that worked out for the last few Jags that Disrespected the Towel:

Titans : lost the opener to the Ravens, oh they are at home!

Bengals: T J who's your mama, since that episode with the towel they have been putrid !!!!!

Myron Cope the creator of the Towel is a Pittsburgh and Sports ICON. I'm sorry who is famous from St. Louis oh I mean Chicago oh I mean Arizona oh I mean Phoenix...... yinz get it.

I am officially Pissed off and it is only Tuesday.
I hope the Steelers take note and beat you to death.
The curse of Cope is poised to Strike......
sign up for the continuous Terrible Towel wave on the Friends page-----------

Monday, January 26, 2009

Terrible Towel Wave- Yinz Do it!

Hey Yinzers,

Sign up and wave them Towel's , Do it for the Nation, the City of Pittsburgh and especially do it for Myron!


Our Old Dick can whip your ass...................

Hey Yinzers,

No this isn't a dirty limerick, I am talking about 77 year old Dick LeBeau the Defensive Coordinator for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Dick has been in the league for 50 years, some as a player but mostly as a coach.

Dick LeBeau knows what he is doing, and in my opinion will be able to stop the Arizona Cardinals on Sunday. Even though the cardinals have Grimm and Wiz, LeBeau knows what they are going to try to do. In short, Warner is going to throw down the middle , in the middle of the Field etc etc etc.

LeBeau is one bad dude. He is a very confident and great role model for the younger players, he is a father figure to the older ones and over all he is a great teacher for everyone. He is beyond talented in his blitz packages and his confidence in his defense. His players will do anything that he asks of him, and that is what makes this Defense a single unit.

-if it wasn't for his defense in Super Bowl 40 we would not have won it.

-He is a great reason we lead the League in Defense year after year after well you get it.

This may be Dick LeBeau's swan song, and taking another Lombardi on the way out would be one hell of an ending!

He's Loyal, he's traditional and he's tough- tell me if he doesn't emulate what the Pittsburgh Steelers symbolize.

Steelers arrived in Tampa had a team meeting, today is the Press from all over -


Welcome Back Heckler.....

Hey Yinzers,

So one of our writers has returned to the MSM. we have him here in an exclusive interview to welcome him back. He is live from sunny Tampa Bay for Super Bowl 43!!!!

NIX: Hecker welcome back to the MSM, what have you been doing?

Heckler: I have been in underground bunkers studying what the Steelers need to do so they win Super bowl 43.

Nix: really bunkers?

Heckler: No really I am in Tampa covering the Super bowl and I refuse to drink any Arizona Ice Tea and wear any Arizona Jeans this whole week - no hell this whole month.

Nix: So what do you think about the Steelers chances, do we have a chance or are we Over confident?

Heckler: As long as Roethlisberger wears a helmet we have a pretty good chance.

NIX: what do you like about the Arizona Cardinals?

Heckler: nothing, what were you expecting a witty answer?

NIX: What are you going to bring the MSM Friday for your Super Bowl 43 preview?

Heckler: We'll start with Brenda Warner's Hair and go from there.....

NIX: well we are looking forward to it, great to have you back!

Well we are looking forward to the Heckler and his live updates from Tampa this Friday!

As you know this blog is dedicated to Pittsburgh sports, and other things too.

I myself will be heading to Washington DC, and then to Pittsburgh PA for the Super Bowl this upcoming week.

The MSM will have in depth SB coverage, and Steelers SB history along with Sexy Wed that is actually a Steelers Girl that we know......really we know her.


Friday, January 23, 2009

PEP rally!

Hey Yinzers,
So tonight at our beloved Heinz Field in Pittsburgh. The Steelers are having a free Pep Rally for the public. Very Cool. One thing about the Steelers is they know how to treat their fans. This is the one time in my life that I have ever seen a Team thank the fans repeatedly.

Here is a little Gitty up to jump start your Super Bowl Week!!!!!
( shout out to Kelly Earls in Chicago IL.and all the Steelers fans at the Dark Horse bar)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Okay, so here's an unbiased analysis about Super Bowl 43. You've got the Steelers (12-4) vs. the Cardinals (9-7). The Steelers defense is impeccable, a force to be reckoned with if I may use a cliche. Troy Palamalu is ferocious, and has barely missed a beat all regular and post-season. The defensive line is going to eat Warner alive, and if, no when they do, Warner's going to be down for the count. He's not going to be able to brave the brutality of the Steelers' defense or the bone crushing blows of that crazy Samoan poppin' through the O-line. I'll give it to the Cards, they've looked good post-season. Fitzgerald is a strong competitor, but he's getting WAY too much hype for such a powerhouse defense.

Next, BEN IS BACK. Big Ben has continuously been making smart plays and really playing like a seasoned quarterback. This is neither QB's first rodeo, but remember, Warner is over a decade older than the youthful Roethlisberger. Ben's working the pocket like a veteran, throwing well, scrambling and just playing all around good football. Parker and Ward are phenomenal athletes and an experienced playoff duo, and most of the Steeler team are as well.

Sure the Cards have a few secret weapons...but the Steelers have an Arsenal!!


House of Steel will always beat a House of Cards....

Hey Yinzers,

So tons of build up for the Super Bowl as we expected. The real excitement will start Monday when the players arrive and then on Tuesday for Media Day. Here is the new cover of SI for this week- with the Best Safety in the NFL.

I am looking forward to the Hype machine and telling you where I will be for the Super Bowl. Also we have a writer returning to the MSM next week- can you guess whom it is?

Hope everyone has a great short week.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What may come in lieu of the Lingerie Bowl.......

Do you understand that if we shun upon gorgeous women prancing in their panties on the gridiron this is what plan B will be? No joke, this is Nix's ex-girlfriend 6 months post-brakeup. Believe it or not she was a minx before ol' Nix cut her loose. This just goes to show you what happens when you badmouth the Steelers in the presence of a die hard turn into a heinous blob. So PLEASE, PLEASE people, don't frown upon the lingerie bowl, embrace it.

First and Ten do it again.............(Sexy WED)

Hey Yinzers,

So in honor of the upcoming Super Bowl 43, the lingerie bowl was almost canceled because the City of Tampa Bay said that they would not support such a Lude and notorious act as having girls play Football in Lingerie- OK well the MSM well not snub our nose at these athletes.

Hell if girls wanna run around in their undies , and play football I am OK with that............



If you've been watching television in the past year, you've seen her. This is Amber Lee, A.K.A. Obama Girl. There's no question that she will be in attendance today at the inauguration. Whether you like Obama or not, you should like Obama Girl. Congratulations to Barack Obama, our 44th President of the United States.


Monday, January 19, 2009

11 days till the show.............

Still Basking in the black n gold,



Hey Yinzers,

I've got a feeling , Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl......

So that was the sound from the crowd as they handed the Steelers the AFC championship yesterday. Unbelievable. This will be the second time in my adult life that the Steelers are heading to the Super bowl.

It was a great game, and Even though it was against our most hated foe, the Ravens- they played very well , but that all changed when with less than 5 on the clock Troy Polamalu put the game away with a Interception for TD.

I am kinda overwhelmed today and I will elaborate more on this win and the upcoming super bowl in the days ahead.

Congratulations to the Nation, and those Pittsburgh Steelers!


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Check My meter!

Hey Yinzers,



Friday, January 16, 2009


Hey Yinzers,

SO here we go( ha) again. On the verge of another AFC championship game. We have heard all the talk for a few weeks, and week after week the Steelers still impress and Amaze me. I know I am a die hard fan but If you step back at what the Steelers had to go through this year it is pretty amazing.

  • Toughest Regular season schedule

  • Highest win percentage VS opponents in NFL history

  • AFC north

  • 2nd year Coach

  • #1 F'n Defense

So the Steeler Nation will be at Wally's one more time, and hopefully again down the road in a few weeks. I think that steeler Nation means more than watching a football game every week. It means being surrounded by people that were raised just like you. It means being a part of something so much bigger than you are, but in the process you are just as important as the next fan. It means being an active living member of the greatest Professional franchise in History. There are so many positives to being a Steelers fan. It puts me in touch with my family at least twice a week in Pennsylvania, it puts me in touch with guys from other Steeler Groups. It puts me in touch, in a time where it is so important to be an individual , being a part of the steeler nation means alot more. It is your extended Family.

It also means you have great people to look up to , Hines, Ben ,Myron and Tunch. It makes you appreciate tradition and staying true to that tradition. Even when it means that you don't have the flashiest uniforms, or cheerleaders but one dumb mascot. It means that after 76 years of being true and solid it still works.

I hope every one gets to there respected groups on Sunday safe, I hope that there is great pa food where ever you go . I also hope that there is lots of IRON and pirogi's.

God Bless the Steeler Nation. Give them all they can handle and more tomorrow.

Thank you Chief........


OK Baltimorons we get it......

Hey Yinzers,

So we get it- F'n Baltimore wants to run it's mouth all week. Last time I checked we are not running our mouth back b/c Joey P is no longer with us. I was not going to retaliate- But I have had enough. Here is a list of reasons they will not win:

1. They are not a real team , fan base or have a real mascot. We get it you guys don't know whom to root for. The colts left town in the weee hours of the morning and then your city was repayed by getting the crapped up Browns. So are yinz rooting for the colts?

2. NAME: Authors, that is what scares the crap out of me. Edgar Allen Poe-ser is whom the team is named after. Last time I was scared of an author I think it was Stephen King's the stand.

3. We beat yinz twice: oooooooooh three times is impossible. Bull it even says that we have a statistically better chance of whipping you a third time.

4. You have known criminals on your team: three convicted felons that have not been tried because they play foosball. Oh and you hate the Steelers because Hines Ward smiles all the time.

5. Joe Flacco: Your numbas vs the steelers are not that impressive. oh but our D is. I am tired of the Joe Cool crap. Yeah way to beat a totally over rated Titans team. be glad that you have the Number 2 defense backing you up. That's right #2 defense.

6. Everyone Hates you:(fill in why here) church and state

I could keep going on and on, but I won't : here are some moments from last tailgate at my house last Sunday. Just found the camera and now we have photos.....enjoy.

Buddy and Sue( it was her birthday)

Alex and Keith

Jen and Chadrick, Jimmy in the Cooler................

Here we go !

Beat the Ratbirds