Monday, December 8, 2008

Wade is too hung over to blog monday

Steelers beat "America's Team" team in a last minute thriller Sunday night at the Same time the Patriots were causing a 3 way (giggity) divisional tie off a Jets loss to those Rice-A-Roni eating bastards in San Fransisco. Hows that for a treat Mangini, oh and Brett you got some Pilaf in your teeth there. Next week I see the Pats moving to 9-5 with a win over Raiders and I am hoping for an "L" for the Fish against the 9ers and the Jets will beat the bills keeping it 9-5 tie east as looks right now it could stay tied right up until the last week regular season.

But if the Cowboys are America's Team I am moving to Canada, hey if it worked for Flutey why not me.

Nice Job Iron city... Remember Always keep you helmet on while crashing your motorcycle.

Dustin Pedroia the 40.5 Million Dollar man says you suck Number 13.

This is actually pretty accurate. Everything in New England is back handed. If we all had our way we'd all be working in the front office with a few billionaires and an Epstein giving out Tommy points to some mook on the Rec. courts in Brockington while eating Kraft singles yelling Go Go Black and Gold.


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