Thursday, December 4, 2008

Speedy Delivery

Hey Yinzers,

Got this from the MSM mailbag from B in Penn State( he is pictured in the Banner at the top of the page)

wadeeeee, *(NiX)

(They were all on the same date)

over break we went to the backyard brawl and i must say...i love pitt and the city of Pittsburgh and all, but they have some classless fans. 1/4 of the students in the student section were penn state students there to support their hometown school and friends...and all we got in return were chants of "we beat iowa" and "penn state sucks." if wannstache could get a quarterback that is in any way decent, they have some upside. but since they dwell in the days of yore when pitt and penn state was a rivalry and pitt actually won real football games, we'll have to wait to see the day that pitt becomes legit again. here are 3 penn staters amongst the pitt kids that threw up their wannstaches as tribute to stull's "hey, i can do that too, pat white" interception.

later buddy,

Dear Brian,
What can I say. I grew up a PITT fan , at the ole Pitt stadium across from the Gimbells downtown- Ans what can I say they sucked. I think in the 3 years we had season tickets they won 3 games. That is when I came up with the rule. Pull for PITT basketball and PSU football- if you are from WPA you would know this as law- like adding an fried egg to a permanti sandwich because it's Thursday.
Oh well at least you were at Heinz field, that is always a plus, and just tell those pesky PITT football fans thank god that they play on the most holy playing surface that has ever been created next to the Painted cement at Three Rivers Stadium.
Thanks for the Email.

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