Monday, October 20, 2008

What the Hell?

Serioulsly Yinzers,

So after watching a bunch of football over the weekend I have the two best hits for you that I could find on the Net. As you know the Gamecocks had a tough loss to the LSU tigers but watch this clip where the Ref takes a blatant cheap shot at our QB Steven Garcia- ridiculous.

Check out this Jaw breaking hit by Hines Ward on Sunday when the Steelers Smashed the Bengals. IT was totally legal.everyone is bitching but you know he is the most physical reciever in the NFl.

One last thing, our resident genius Jim has a new website , and the link is in the Friends of the MSM page check it out - and let him know what you think.

Have a great Tuesday

1 comment:

Jim Mitchell said...

That Kid deserves to be knocked around he's had more Chances than OJ. If it were any other team besides football at USC, which seems to operate independently of the athletic department, he would have been gone already.

At least they got that grease ball to shave his head, I will give the Ol' Ball Coach that. Mr. Garcia is only one step behind the rest of the team, the next thing he needs to do is have a few children out wedlock like the rest of these criminals and he'll be set.

I say they hell with calling these kids student athletes just give them the 22,000+ a year it costs to go to this joke of a University and call them Pro-Ams. After all college football is pretty much the minor leagues of the NFL.

Steven Garcia and number of these other kids are an embarrassment to the other student athletes who stay out of trouble, go to class, go to practice, and become productive members of society.

Last time I checked Burt Reynolds is not this team although it wouldn't shock me to see a bus with the letters S.C.D.O.C. on the rolling up to Williams Brice some Saturday afternoon.

TO kids on the football team and other teams that do what they are supposed to, keep doing it. You have to make up for the Football and Basketball teams GPAs and the sticky fingers of the baseball team.

Love a Former South Carolina Athlete