Friday, October 31, 2008

Has everyone carved their turnip, I know I have... Great Halloween is here. Halloween used to be my favorite holiday of all time until it turned into a reason for fat chicks to think they are sexy. Ladies mid drift on a anyone... trashy, mid drift on someone who looks like they should be cleaned off the beach because the have beached themselves to die after they have come down with some sort of bacterial infection, like the smell you will soon being giving off... nauseating. Cover up it's cold and I am really not looking to find out which one of those humps are your boobs, if you know what I am saying.

Well I am off to celebrate the end of the growing season in true 5bc style and usher in the New year.

Oh and the Phillies are now world Champs, How do you like that A-rod? You Suck.

Happy New Year Everbody!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The New Foreign Policy

I think this country should start treating everyone with a little more kindness. It Will kind of be like when your drunk of an uncle sobers up and apologizes for molesting you and finds Jesus, but it's not really Jesus its just some hobo that wondered into the AA meeting for the free cookies. Then other countries will start feeling bad for us because they think we had a complete nervous break down, and the next thing you know France is bringing over a casserole trying to help us out. Long before not Iran will be calling up Syria saying "Hey have you talked to America lately? I'm kind of freaked out man, I think we should just do what they wan for a while because somethings not right... Yeah so you might want to cut out the whole death to America thing for a while. You know just a for little bit. Do you still talk to ah ah oh man I am completely blanking here...Yeah Hezbollah, Yeah tell Hezbollah what up for me. You coming to poker night? Qaddafi is coming. Ya Qaddafi that crazy Libyan bastard. You never know what he's going to do. Oh too bad about Fidel huh? Ya, I am not talking about the cancer, I'm talking about Hugo and the crazy red communist pajamas...Ya Hugo Chavez...Ya ya ya he's like the kid in the neighborhood nobody likes but you have to keep him around because he has a hot sister. Oh OK talk to you later... Yes and a Good praise Allah to you too OK good bye.

It'll work.

All Hallows Eve!

Hey Yinzers,

So here we are October 30Th 2008, the night before Halloween. If you live in Detroit your house is probably on fire and your yard is toliet papered like a fresh winters morning. Other than that here in the Midlands of South Carolina there is nothing. A few very low key Baptist friendly Haunted houses and maybe a Hay ride somewhere. It is not like Pennsylvania at all. People decorate and get dressed up for trick or treating. Haunted Houses are all over the place and even running on Sunday's. Those were the good ole days.

Halloween today, kids are not even allowed to trick or treat. they go to malls and safe church festivals and there are no more tolite papering of houses or tick tacking. give me a break. Wake up America there is no fun in being a kid anymore. Let the kids be kids. let them run free in the streets begging from house to house for candy. Oh one more thing what about girls on Halloween. They dress like total whores. I am not saying that it isn't fun to look at. But really girls lets dress up and have some class. The Halloween stores and Lingerie stores cater to the blaspheme of the holiday. Ladies take a hint from the real haunted scary movies of the 1980's if you dress like a hooker on Halloween - your going to get it.

Phillies Win

Today if you live in the Columbia Area at Pauls Philly eatery , Since the phillies won the Series you get a free fountain drink with the purchase of a Philly.

Shameless Plug- So the Phillies ended the shortest world series game ever beating the Rays, devil rays or what ever the hell they are in 3 innings last night. It is kind of amazing that Baseball is still called America's game all the time, then why is it that we all look forward to Football season every year? hmmmmmmmmm?


Supposedly the Heckler is every where but I am glad to report that he is actually at the Cabin in Paoli Indiana this weekend( today ) chopping wood and setting up Deer stands. Well what ever. Wouldn't hurt once in a while if a featured blogger blogged once in a while. Kidding.

Corn Hole tournament at Paul's

Paul is holding the first ever Corn Hole tournament in Columbia next Friday night. It will be a 5.00 buy in and beer specials all night. I hope to see you guys come out and support the fun.

Have a great and Safe Halloween. Stay away from the Micheal Vick costumes.Or OJ glove set......


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pissed off Wed- Cause Rod said so.

Over half a million American troops are deployed throughout the world fighting for the freedom and the rights of this country. Due to systemic failure in some state governments many of these absentee ballots will never be counted. Much of this is attributed to the "snail mail" system of the military, causing ballots to arrive 2 weeks after the elections. Some states require a notary to witness troops signing the ballots-this may be difficult while deployed in the mountains of Afghanistan. Whatever the case may be, how dare you disenfranchise the men and women that make this country what it is. These Americans should be the first to vote.

A-ROD'S Sexy Wednesday

Meet Mitsy…

Mitsy is a third-year law student at the University of South Carolina, and is the reigning Ms. Litigious Cougar. She enjoys botox, meaningful debates and sensual but heavy petting. Mitsy is also a hard-core wino and enjoys reds, whites and zinfandels.

“After a long, hard day of classes I like to kick back, throw on a sexy teddy and drink Bianchi.”

So fellas, you can find Mitsy at Blue every Thursday night for lady’s night, and remember, if you’re not into cougars wash the blood off your hands!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Hey Yinzers,

So as you know I love halloween. tonight on ABC they are showing It's the Great pumpkin Charlie Brown- So here is an almost classic that I found to share with you

Hope you guys have a great Tuesday!


Blue Monday

Hey Yinzers,

Wow what a game with the Steelers and Giants Yesterday. The Steelers did everything but win the game yesterday. Good effort by our lines and our defense but not enough with 4 starters out the steelers fall to 5-2 on the year with a big Monday night in Washington with the Redskins 8:30 next Monday.

Penn state Dissed

Here is what is going to happen for the rest of the season Penn State will win the remaining games and every Sunday night Penn state fans will have there heart broken as they stay at 3 in all the polls.
Oh well fans will have to wait for Texas, Alabama to loose or another major upset. The end of the story is the Big ten is not as strong conference.( not like SEC or the BIG 12)


Pitt was embarrassed this weekend by the Rutgers scarlet nights. We in the Pittsburgh area have been Wanstached again . I truly believe that Pitt will not be able to win with Wanstache at the helm . I do like him but lets face it he had Dan Marino in Miami for many years and still never even made it far in the playoffs.


Ufc 90 was this weekend with the main event Anderson Silva vs. Cote. it was a dud of a fight. Silva did not knock Cote out but with this clip be glad that you didn't pay the 49.00 bucks for it this weekend

Hope everyone has a great start to their week!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

spooooooky Week!

Should have said I was from PA!

Hey Yinzers,

Big freaking weekend in the Big 10. Now I have never said that before, because I live in the SEC. The Big ten had one of the most exciting games I have ever watched this year-or for that fact many years.

Penn State beat Ohio State for the first time in Columbus since 1978( I was 2) this is quite a feat for Joe Pa and the boys. Back at State College Pa, I was summoned on my cell phone by JB my Penn State Correspondent( whom is pictured in the Joe Pa picture at the top of the page). Over 10,000 students rushed into the street and celebrated a huge win and a perfect record. this is awesome this is why I love college football, the passion of the kids who go to school and pray that there team each week. It could not go better for a better college than a classy school like Penn State.

Early this week Ohio State Quarter back T Pryor said that he was not from the State of Pennsylvania( LIE) and that he was from Ohio( LIE) two lies don't make a right. Serves you asshole freshman to learn some respect Alpha Beta's forever. Congrats to the Penn of State.

I will probably give you an insight on the steelers, early Monday morning.


Friday, October 24, 2008

I'll tell where the Heckler is!!!!!!

I'll tell you where the Heckler is......

The Heckler is there everytime Nix is shown up...

The Heckler is there everytime the Steelers play...

The Heckler is there everytime Tom Brady isn't...

The Heckler is there everytime a bikini top falls....

The Heckler is there everytime UK looses....

The Heckler is there everytime Nix strikes out....

The Heckler is there everytime a hole in one is made...

The Heckler is nowhere and everywhere...The Heckler is...was...and will always be...

The Heckler is there with your girlfriend when you aren't...

-The Heckler

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The State of the Mill Address

My fellow Millers, Distinguished Guests and Diplomats, and of course my Fantasy wife, Natalie Portman. I love you honey.

This Blog makes about as much Sense as a 700 billion dollar bailout. 

We are facing some harsh realities. Tampa Bay is in the Fall Classic, which if they win I think it should be renamed the "Fall What the F****". Eli Manning is not living in a home with others of similar handicaps. An Arizona Cardinals fan is running for the Presidency of the United States. And A-Rod Still sucks, and he is purportedly dating that gapped tooth whore Madonna. Lower levels of Little League Continue to not keep score leading to the pussification of American Youth.

But there is still hope... It seems as though that Orenthal James Simpson may finally be going to jail. We will just have to wait and see what type of SUV Al Cowlings is driving now. Who knows, in these unsure times he might even be driving a Prius or Perhaps a Ford Escape hybrid. These are things I am sure California law enforcement will let us know when the Time is appropriate.

These are tough times my Fellow millers. With there being so much sports to consume you ask me where do I turn to? ESPN? CBS? FOX? or perhaps NBC? Well I am here to tell you that no one should ever have to turn to NBC for sports coverage... Quite frankly that would be Un-American. Turning to NBC is like someone other than family and Friends attending a WNBA game. So in these tough times, in these... trying times of ours, I encourage you to "Just Say NO!" Just Say no to NBC and there coverage of the Mountain Dew Action Sports Tour. To pay any attention to this type of Sports coverage would be like giving a sense of legitimacy to the Bush Doctrine, because I personally believe the President should be able to define the word DOCTRINE before having one.

Let me leave you with this my dear Millers: Yes times are hard. Brady Quinn is in the NFL and yes he has commercial endorsement deals, but god willing he will go the way of some many other professional athletes... Getting caught in the bad part of town in the back seat of his Escalade with a pre-op tranny with his pants down. We will weather the storm, our resolve is strong, the Titans will not go undefeated, and the Bruins will suck yet again.

Good Night, and god bless the Mill.

Where the Hell is the Heckler?

Is he under here?

Is he under there?

Where o Where is the Heckler?

Is he in a tree, or taking a P?
where is the Heckler?

with great stories to tell, we all wish him well

But where is the Heckler?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A-Rods Sexy Wedensday Week 1

Here is sophie,

Sophie is a JR at the University of South Carolina.

She is into chicks, all the time. She lives on my hall and that is the outfit she wears out the most.

Sophie is looking for someone that could play anagada lavida on her rib cage ( that is what turns her on the most)

Sophie is in school to raise awareness on half shirts and half skirts.

GO cocks!

Have a Sexy Wednesday,


Virtual Diary Part 2

Dear Diary,

(whimper, cough, cry whimper)

OOOOOOO woe is me Looks like my time here in Clempson is over. I sure will miss letting my orange balloon go as the tigers run down the hill. I sure will miss rubbing Howard's Cock oops I mean rock when we unload from the buses at the top of memorial stadium. Finally I sure will miss being overrated every year and then blowing games to teams like Maryland, and Duke.

Oh but I remember the good times at Clempson , like when we got into that brawl with LOU Holt's and his chickens when we played them a few years ago. Oh that was classy. I remember finally beating my 110 year old daddy down at Florida state, he never did teach me how to win......I think he loves my other brother more, in fact I know he does. I asked mom if I could move back in until i promise another football program a winning tradition, and she said no.

No more Orange, no more winnin' and no More( crying uncontrollably) Clempson.

I will miss you cock, i mean rock Howard.

Tommy Bowden

Phone rings ( ring ring ring)

Tommy: Yello?

Ty Willingham: Uh Hi Tommy , How are you?

Tommy: Not to good ty, got the boot this week.

Ty Willingham: Well I am going to get the boot at the end of the season,

Tommy: so?
Ty Willingham: Soooo I was thinking we could be roomates?Until we both find new coaching jobs- you know bosum buddy's?

Tommy: Uhh I don't know how to put this , but I could never live with you TY!

Ty Willingham: Why, is it because I am black?

Tommy: No see I was a head coach and you are never going to be a head coach probably never even a color commentary fella' now see if you said you wanted to live with me because you were looking sticktly for a roomate then I would have said yes.

Ty Willingham: That is why I called din tha first place( would you quit lying to your self for like one minute) that is what got your cracker ass fired !

Dumb ass white people- well Bowdens mostly.
(Slams phone down)

Monday, October 20, 2008

What the Hell?

Serioulsly Yinzers,

So after watching a bunch of football over the weekend I have the two best hits for you that I could find on the Net. As you know the Gamecocks had a tough loss to the LSU tigers but watch this clip where the Ref takes a blatant cheap shot at our QB Steven Garcia- ridiculous.

Check out this Jaw breaking hit by Hines Ward on Sunday when the Steelers Smashed the Bengals. IT was totally legal.everyone is bitching but you know he is the most physical reciever in the NFl.

One last thing, our resident genius Jim has a new website , and the link is in the Friends of the MSM page check it out - and let him know what you think.

Have a great Tuesday

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Start of the week!

Hey Yinzers,

So this start of this week sport wise is pretty good. The world Series starts this week and since I am writing this Blog on Sunday afternoon ( I am sure that the Bo Sox ) will probably play the Phillies starting Wed Night on FOX.

Great Lots of Joe Buck!


The steelers went into Paul Brown Stadium looking for there 5th win of the season. got it. The Bengals are officially non-exist ant. The other major factor of this game was that the O line flashed a glimpse of Greatness through this game. Ben was not on his back and looked really good as usual. Troy Palamalu took a pretty bad hit and I am sure he may be out for next week- the LB's on this steeler team Woodley, Farrior could be the most dangerous Lb core in the NFL. Jeff reed made all the Field goals that were needed and so on and so forth. Bring on the Giants.


Good work this weekend for the Pens , they beat the Toronto Maple leafs 4-1 this weekend and Sid the KID finally got his first Goal of the season. For all the people that read this and say that he doesn't have big points this year-not true but he needed to get his first goal before the press starts to get on my nerves. The new nucleus of the Penguins look pretty strong with the old pens from last year. We have a big game at Boston tonight at 7pm.

Penn State

Ole Joe pa's Cooking. He is cooking with gas going into upcoming weekend versus the Ohio State Buckeyes. Here we go with all the talk that Penn State is maybe over rated- yeah right. They handed Michigan a huge loss after loosing that game in the early goings. They can rally, they have defense and They have one last huge hurdle. OSU. they suck enough Said.


I am not going to highlight the Gamecocks, because once again they loose and fall to 5-3 on the season and a bye week. They always seem to loose by 7 all the time. Had a great time with the Driggers and the Crumlichs. It was good to see Todd Haney up from Charleston this weekend. A side note too-The LSU fans were super nice and we had a great time with them at Carolina Ale house with them . I hope they had a great trip and wish them the best for the rest of the year.

It was a long weekend and I needed one. I am looking forward to Halloween next week , so I am going to do a Halloween preview this week along with a look back at the two world championship runs by the Pirates back in the day.

Have a good one,


Friday, October 17, 2008

No team from Tampa Bay should ever be in the post season...ever. Tamp Bay is for the purpose of spring training for the more superior. It is going to be very upsetting to the natural order of things if the Tamp Bay Devil Rays make to the Series, oh I am sorry the crazy christian right made them do away with the devil. I am still waiting for the day the Braves become the Atlanta Indigenous Peoples and the Cleveland Indians are forced to change their name to the People Who's Economy was based on fur Trading and Wampum now it's based legalized gambling and cheap cigarette sales, try fitting that on a baseball jersey .

Any way go SOX!

A-ROD You Suck.

Has anyone tried the Bud American Ale yet? I am looking to see if it's any good.

$1000 for a ticket to the Superbowl? What the hell is wrong with you. Way to allienate your largest fan base NFL... Middle America. If you keep raising ticket prices your going to end up on the recieving end of a $700 billion bail you human paraquats. Your killing yourselves.

Tony Romo, maybe this will teach you to drink your tea without sticking your pinky out. Jessica Simpson has clef chin and it is distracting looking at her face. Hey Jessica your sister got the nose job, why can't you get your chin fixed... Seriously you look like Tom Brady. And by coorelation Tony Romo has a crush on Tom Brady and by the tautilogical truth Tony Romo is gay.

At this point I am getting tired of baseball this season, yes me, I am getting tired of baseball. It seems to be dragging its self out longer than the life expectancy of John McCain and Ted Kennedy. Seriously how old are you two. I understand the ol' Teddy is pretty well pickled but what's the reason behind John McCain. I think it has to do with how much younger is wife is then him. Meaning he is sucking her will to live and keeping it for himself.

TIGERS v. COCKS this weekend in columbia. My prediction, Clawed Balls.

Have a good one

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's da thursday!

Hey Yinzers,

So on our weekly poll question we had a doosey- Who would win in a fight? 40 Midgets or a Lion? The surveyors here at MSM voted 11-6 in favor of the Midgets. It makes total sense because yes there would be a few midget casualties in the fight but I think that even if it was a young Lion That many Little people would be to much!

Have a great Weekend!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ahhhhhh Wedensday!

Hey Yinzers,

So here we are another big Wednesday before a plethora of Football this weekend, so Other than that here is another scary Halloween video to get you in the mood....................It is a little long but totally good for a short Scary Halloween Movie.

Have a great Day- boo!


Monday, October 13, 2008


Hey Yinzers,

Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put the Cleavland Browns on MNF? Give me a F'n break. Seriously The Giants and The Browns didn't watch it don't care. Just want to know whom the Brainiac put Romeo crummel's ( pants size 96)on the tube. Just genius.


Thank god for the fight the other night- if not boredom would have killed me dead. Love ya Crumlichs but if the Phillie's don't win I may go on a shooting spree - seriously postal. Rocky has his moment in the sun again. I would love to see one more fight this post season but I want it to happen in Philly- yeah that will make the news.

I predict Manny will totally blow, Phillies will win. Enough.


Dear Diary,

Mom said I shouldn't practice cause me and the guys got roughed up pretty bad in Arizona on Sunday. Too bad that my career will go down quicker than my girlfriends. That's all for now- goodnight TO.

Tony "Broken Pinky out 4 weeks " Romo- let me emphasize that it is great to be a Steelers fan , Gamecock fan etc. Cowboys season over. Good luck dating Jessica no talent Simpson.
Have a great Tuesday! Welcome back Heckler.

Oh yeah Monday!

Hey Yinzers,

So a big upset weekend in College football, I know we were do for one finally this year. All the big guys have fallen and now like we said before now the story line changes one more time. Missouri, Oklahoma and LSU are all out of the Final picture for right now.

Oh and Clempson's season is over- not too shabby. Great loss at Wake the other night.


So I am currently attending the University of South Carolina and there is no way we should be 5-2 heading into the LSU game this upcoming weekend. Our playbook looks like my English notebook- scraps. How we win games in this league is besides me. We have changed our starting quarter back 11 times in 7 games ( i know making a point)and our Defense is the only thing consistent. So what are the chances that our offense can put up some numbers on LSU? Pretty slim to none- but if you are a Gamecock fan anything can happen. So I am almost going to predict a win this week- but it may change about the number of times we change our quarter back.


big conference match up this week vs the Bungals. We should take out the trash on Sunday when we are back to a normal game time again at 1pm. this all over the map crap with times is really stinking this year. Oh well still glad I am steelers fan.


Pens lost the home opener to the devils 2-1 on Saturday. They did however raise the new banners to the rafters stating that this will be the beginning of something great for the Pens and our new dynasty that is about to begin. Just like the steelers we would prefer that you do not pick us to win a game- thanks alot.

Hope everyone has a great Monday and if this blog sounded jumbled it is.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hello Everyone... Well its official the only thing lower than my self-esteem is the DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE. But it's ok because the Red Sox Have advance again, A-Rod Hows that Divorce working for ya? YOU SUCK!

See I don't even know anymore if I hate the Yankees that much or if I really am Red Sox Fan, but that is neither here nor there.

As for the Patriots I still think it's a wait and see Situation. Hey if an in experienced and what looks to be like the lead role of Naughty Liberians 8 can be the VP Candidate for the GOP then Maybe Lil ol' Matt can be an effective QB, you Betchya! What, no? Well maybe he we'll be a Maverick and stand up to Bill for all the pork that has been holding together New England for the last few weeks. I still think Eli is Mildly retarded which may explain why he has won a Super Bowl.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thursday- fall break!

Hey Yinzers,

So it's fall break at the College( USC) and I have a ton of work to do , but what is new. So the Nixheckler could not write the blog this week because he is at Disney Land with his heard of kids for a vacation. I really think that he secretly wanted to go and he called last night and said he was at "Mickey's Halloween Party". Ok heckler I am finally jealous.

Round Dos:

So it's time for the second round of the second season of MLB baseball. I am ok with whom ever wins but I am kinda pulling for the Phillies. In no way Am I A philly's fan. But lets look at whom else is out there:
1. Boston Redsox: I am from Pittsburgh that bans me from liking any team or person from Boston. * Jim excluded
2. Tampa Bay Rays: Big deal they drop the devil from their name and now Jesus is a Baseball fan. they are on quite a run but I think it is going to end real quick this round.
3. Dodgers: Ok So i really like that Joe got bounced and now is in the championship of his division but no dice to the Phillies.
4. Phillie's: The only viable baseball team in the state of PA. Plus I love the Crumlichs, Zach, Noah and Coach- don't forget UTURN. They are huge Phillies fans - so that makes me pull for them - Go Phillies!

Football this weekend!

So the Cocks head to Lexington for a show down of mass proportions with Kentucky . Some people here hate Georgia, Tenn and Florida. The main team I want to beat every year is KY. I hate em .

Well see you guys probably for an impromptu blog this weekend.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hump Day( don't tell mom ) !

Hey Yinzers,

So here we are at Rock-tober, just waiting on the leaves to change and the Football story lines to unfold. College Football is totally unpredictable this year, and has been quite interesting from start until ............the finish.

Baseball Playoffs start to heat up as the Phillies will take on the Revamped Joe Torre Dodgers, and the Reining champs the Bo-sox host the Unheralded Rays( no longer the Devil Rays) .

Over all with the pirates out of the mix and not a real emphasis in SC except for the Braves- Baseball season unless you are from the North east is dead. The season is in the Coffin. Pretty exciting I will make my prediction and I am not sticking to it by any means but I would like to see the Phillies vs the Bo Sox ( my luck it will be ) Rays, dodgers- oh well it is baseball.


So Jeff Reed is day to day with a calf muscle injury, this is another chapter in the Steelers are good and injured this year book. Thank goodness for the Off week. I am looking forward to just getting some work done this week- I also needed the off week. They will be back next week with Willie Parker and Co. vs the 0-5 Bengals. I am kinda worried about this game because you can never tell what a wounded Bengal could do.


Well The penguins are back home and resting from a long trip from Neutral land. It was great exposure to get over there and sell more Sidney Crosby Jerseys. In fact I think it is necessary for every Hockey fan to own a piece of Penguins merchandise at one point in their lives.

College Basketball

Why the hell can't I find Basketball schedules for this year, if someone can find me a preseason ranking or list of teams any where - help a brother out. I heard through my friends in Louisville that The Cardinals have a preseason ranking of #2. But I would like to see how far up they put Kansas as being over rated as usual this year again.

Here is another spooky Halloween video: ok kinda dumb!

I hope every one has a great Wed, and We can finally talk football tomorrow.
