Thursday, March 3, 2011



So the Penguins are starting to look pretty ordinary. Lets Just say that the Month of February was a rough one for the Boys of Winter. Without the Likes of Geno Malkin and Sidney Crosby the Penguins except for between the pipes look pretty normal. Now Normal is not a bad thing and in Hockey you can get on Streaks. A Streak is something that can help in any sports that can propel a team to a championship. Ray Shero is a managing Genius, yeah he is. He has put together quite a team over the last 6 years and he still has the means to improve his product. With these last trades and the three players brought in making immediate impact the Penguins will be alright. But they won't be if they have another February.

We are also on the verge of an NFL Lock out. Ah Greed has overcome both sides of the negotiation process. This could be the beginning of the end for the 2011 NFL season. Chernobyl.

On the other end of the situation the Pittsburgh Panthers are still wining and still heading for that big showdown this weekend vs. Villanova for the Big East Regular season championship. If not the Irish will get that honor.

Penguins hockey , End of the NCAA regular season this weekend, and possibly the end of NFL for next year.

Alot to take in, better start a Backup plan.........


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