Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Underdogs,Super Steelers and the Death Star.....


The Steelers are heading to the Super Bowl. After the last few weeks I have had, this brings me great joy. There is allot more going on in my life because of the Super Bowl and the Steelers, for instance the Ability to pick up the phone and talk to people I have not heard from in weeks or months or years for that matter. The Steelers have done allot for me off the Field than you could ever know.

When I first started watching the Steelers with a Legitimate group of Die hards, it happened when I was in St. Louis Missouri. A few of us started watching the Games at a local bar, and we were thrown out. ( because of me loosing it during Big Ben's Rookie start).So then the Magic happened we found a bigger bar that 4 of us could go to and watch the Steelers consistently. The Bar manager and I became great friends and so did the wait staff. By the end of our 4.5 year run at St Louis all Star cafe we all had become Life Long friends.The four of us that started going there became more like 30 in the end. Out of the original group I still talk to about 15 people on a monthly basis. Without the Steelers bringing us together, I would have missed out on allot of life long friends.

This Steeler Nation is really about the fans, watching the steelers gives us a reason to watch and get together for almost 1/3rd of the year. The Steelers also give you a sence of community, I can't tell you how many times at work I can talk to a fellow yinzer by spotting his tshirt or hat. The Steelers as a whole give you a sence of pride and history that you are a part of. In this very fast moving world I can see a group of people that are honest, hard working and very proud of the town that they grew up in.

Once again going into this super Bowl we are underdogs, how I really don't know. We were 12-4 , won our division title and our Conference title. #1 defense in the league etc. etc. etc. The Green Bay Packers came in as a 6th seed in a depleted NFC. Someone whom is not a Steelers fan explain this to me. Maybe I am missing the point? Maybe I am not.
The media outside of Pittsburgh really has something against the Sports in our city. They think that we have some sense of entitlement or arrogance for producing winning teams over and over again. The bottom line to the media, it doesn't matter what you think or what you say, Pittsburgh does things the right way.( Pirates excluded)

Death Star:
I have heard the Death Star reference a dozen times in the last 3 days comparing the new Texas stadium to the once non blown up Death Star. That would make Jerry Jones, the emperor ha. I think that it is quite rewarding in some sick sense that The Hated Cowboys are hosting our Super Bowl. Once again they are flashy, all about image and themselves and once again the Steelers are just showing up for work, not saying anything etc. So I ask another question after all these years of watching these two franchises whom is Americas team.
It's a pretty good day when your Hair dresser( Chrissy) can tell you I told you so when she predicted from the begining of the season that the Steelers would be stomping on that big star in Dallas. Touche' Chris,Touche'

I know there is alot to come this week with speculation and predictions etc. I do know one thing when this super Bowl is over I will still love the Pittsburgh Steelers just as much as the next yinzer but as I get older the people that I have met, become freinds with and love to the end mean the most to me. Thank you Pittsburgh Steelers.

Have a great week ahead.
Here we go!


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