Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Truck Tuesday

Hey Yinz,

Well the city of Pittsburgh seems to be doing pretty well sports wise right now. The pens just celebrated their 10 straight win, which is the longest win streak since Bylsma has been coach. Last night was a special evening because Bill Guerin (my favorite former penguin) was honored because he made the decision to retire as a penguin. Billy G has played on a lot of other teams and even won a cup with a different team, but he obviously found a connection with the team and the city of Pittsburgh. He was also presented with a picture comemorating his time as a peguin and his family was given a week long trip to Hawaii. This definitely shows how classy the pens are. This also reminded me of how much I loved Billy G and I wish that he was still playing!

The Steelers had a nice win on Sunday, thanks to Troy. The Igloo club had a nice crowd show up to watch the game too. The even more exciting thing is that only one game seperates me from seeing the Steelers live in Pittsburgh!

Well I hope Yinz have a nice week!


1 comment:

Charleighe said...

I am a major dork - just realized me and B used the same pic of Billy G. Great minds think a like I guess...