Monday, March 15, 2010

Truck Tuesday

Everybody loves Ovetchkin


Suspended for two games after that little accident. Too bad that didn't happen right before a Pens game. We could only be so lucky.

Malkin had his foot x-rayed after his injury in the last game. The x ray came back negative (which is positive). yay!

Now I know that right now hockey is big, but don't forget about football. LB Larry Foote just returned to the Steelers by signing a 3 year (9.3 m) contract with a 1.8 m signing bonus. Mmm, I guess the economy isn't affecting everyone.

In other steeler news...

Take a minute to really look at that picture. Looks like a winner to me. What girl would not want to be all over that piece of man meat?

Pittsburgh fans may begin throwing "rothenburger" under the bus. With Dixon and the opportunity to recruit a new QB, I think we may see some fans ready to relieve Rothenburger after this little incident, whether is happened or now. Remember folks, he was the QB when the steelers won two super bowls, don't hate to much.

I knew that rothenburger was a tool...

Thats all I got for today.


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