Sunday, May 31, 2009

"Mom what is wrong with the Penguins?"


So watching this series is like watching the last 15 minutes of Old Yeller on a loop. Let's face it the Wings are damn good- that is what we are up against.We all know how the end of Old Yeller ends, dog gets the gun behind the barn. Were down 2-0 in this season and Dad is loading his shotgun.
This team is good , and every team is beatable-or in the wings case eatable.

This series is not dead by any means- and the Geno Fight at the end of the game just gave us a little pulse, so you know the ole saying, wait till the body(7 game series)is cold before you put us in the ground.

I can't believe that I am going to say this but I am so glad that the rest of this series is on VS, yes VS- we all know that the Pens have a hell of a time winning on the Peacock network.

We're Igloo Bound, Tuesday bring your game face.
Stall me!

Lets GO Pens!


Saturday, May 30, 2009

That sucked

nough said!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Stanley Cup EVE!


We are going to war. Plain and simple we are playing a team that if you are from Pittsburgh then you know what I mean. It is going to be that kind of series defiantly a series you can't watch with your grandparents.

The Pittsburgh Poparattsi sent me this a few days ago, thanks Nate!
(This Video is R rated, nice work Kevin Stevens and B. Trotts.

Yeah it's going to be that kind of series!
Go Pens,

See you at the Igloo Club 222

Rematch me!


We have to bring it!Hossa your a dead-man!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Hey can you get the lights, on the way out?"


Pens finish the sweep of the canes in Raleigh. What a game, what a series- what and whom is next?

First team in 20 years to go back to back to the Stanley Cup Final!

Way to go Pens!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Game 4


Not much to say , brake open that roll of Quarters-

Mortal Combat Finish them!

Lets Go Pens!

Citizen Canes


Penguins are on the Brink of the Whales Conference Championship, or for the Newbies the Eastern Conference Championship this week. Game four of course is tomorrow in Raleigh, but until then we here at the MSM found out( just like everyone else) that the Canes will have a Special Guest on the Hurricane siren at the RBC center.

Former Coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers Bill Cowher will be running the Hurricane's Goal Siren for Game 4 -whopidee Doo. In all honesty do you think that this will really impact the Canes? Lets think about what a poor decision this is for Bill & the Canes:

1. Bill Cowher has had no luck with Home Conference championship games when he was with the Steelers. I think off the top of my head we dropped like 3 or 4 to not go to the Super Bowl.

2. Why would Raleigh go and get a Former Pittsburgh Sports Celebrity, oh that's right because there are no Real sports Icons from Raleigh- No offense Rick Flair is from Charlotte.

What is exciting is that every NHL annalist out there along with everyone at VS television is back peddling so hard, because the Canes Savior- Cam Ward is crapping the ole bed. Ward has given up 11 goals in the past two games to the PENS.( 13 total, 11 on him,2 empty netters).

Also the Prince of Whales Trophy will be on hand at the RBC, if and I say If the Pens can complete the Sweep of the Canes we will get to punch that all mighty ticket to the SCF. I think that the Canes are a good team with allot of Talent- but they are running into the Penguins at the wrong time of year.

If I were a Cane fan I would wish for bad weather, and hope that Golf is not in my teams immediate future.



Friday, May 22, 2009

Pittsburgh Popaparazzi


Well Look here , it's Nate Nevala with the Penguins own Double J - Jeff Jimmerson.
Jimmerson belts out the National Anthem every home game in front of the Igloo faithful.
Nate told me to tell Yinz, Buckle up series is Rollin' dan to Raliee.


Fedoras for Geno


What can you say after a performance like that last night? Is there any doubters left in the NHL that think that the Penguins can't get the job done?Plain and Simple shut up....

Geno Malkin, the Milkman got his first ever career playoff hat trick last night in the drubbing of the Carolina tropical storms.

Sidney was amazing, Max open up a can of corn and of course the EN by MR. Kennedy.......

The media asked Geno why he played so well, his answer (in some Russian dialect )was like" My mom's Russian Soup......something something......soup."

I would also like to thank VS for another ridiculous broadcast with great cut away shots of Geno's parents making out the entire game.

As for the Canes Game three is a coming, has Cam ward even played a minute of Hockey?

Great Empty Netta by Mr. KENNNNEDY..............Kennedy.

Still to early for the Mortal Combat- save your Quarters.....times a coming...

Have a great Memorial day weekend!

Lets go pens!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

"You thought that last STORM was bad....."


Ok so this is the only time that I can use weather jokes(hurricane related) in the Blog and it is relevant. Ok on a serious note Game two tonight at the Igloo 7:30 start- we defiantly need this win before we head into the RBC center this weekend in Raleigh.

(watch for the Streaker)
I have to say that their home ice atmosphere(RBC) is quite intimidating, when they won the Stanley Cup the whole crowd did not sit one minute of regulation.

Former Penguin and Local Ryan Malone went on record from the Tampa Bay Lightning locker room saying that he is pulling for the Penguins to win the Stanley Cup. I hope at one point we get Bugsy Back.

In other sports nonsense- Micheal Vick, former Atlanta Falcons QB was released from Leavenworth Prison in Kansas yesterday morning. I can actually say that if the NFL lets this ass back in the league , then my favorite sport is turning into Roller ball/the running man. I really hope that the front office thinks hard about letting another known criminal back into the league. ( Leon Lett worked out real well)

Don't deface the Best Professional Sports league in the world by letting a known Dog Fighter back into it. He was a mediocre QB at best- seriously my opinion he was.
There is nothing really going on in Pro Sports right now- really there is nothing!

Well I hope everyone enjoys the White Out tonight!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Slap Me Silly Sidney"


Being a former Sports Radio Host, I had my influences as most kids did growing up. One of course was the late Myron Cope, voice of the Pittsburgh Steelers. But the most influential and most colorful announcer of 'my time" ,is and will always be ,Mike Lange. With his fast play by play of the black n gold, it always sounded like you were listening to a friend call the game.
As the penguins grind through the Eastern Conference Finals- Mike,Staggy,Bob and the ole 2 niner bring you the action on televison and Radio. After all these years it really makes you want to turn down the dumb announcers on VS and turn up the flagship for the Pens!

Here's to you Mike:

Lets go Pens!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tropical Storm Warning- Pens Win!


So Hurricane warning- not so much. Bobby Bouche' scores the winning goal ? Seriously Nobody tell Bouche's mom that he is playing hockey. 3-2 winner oh by the way , hows Washington playoff run going!

Great game one, but I have no Internet and I am blogging from the Library with the Bums- see yinz Thursday!

Pens win, tell a Brognano


Friday, May 15, 2009

Hurricane Warning!!

Hurricane's a coming-check my meter.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ovechkin No-more!


Can someone hand me a Washington Area Phone Book? I think I have to look up tee times for the Capitals. Ahh here we go Musket Ridge sure sounds nice- Ask for this Yinzer.

In all honesty this was the greatest 7 game series I have ever watched in my life( excluding the two Cup wins). Good prevailed over Douchebags and now after a long night at Mc careys we can all sleep better this morning.

MAF came up with the Game setting save to lead the pens to a 6-2 route of the Crapitals. Can't wait to get into my car and listen for crickets today because all those Ovie fans wont be around- they are complaining about the officiating last night. Hey ya win some and then you win some.

Could someone please tell me what happened in the stands? Was there a death last night because it was awfully quiet and the red sure wasn't rocking- in fact it was racked. There was more of a ruckus in my apartment when a friendly game of Chicken broke out.

Hey Criminal thanks for the Assist on the Crosby break away goal, I know you wanted to make the scoring sheet again- but wrong team.

handshake and goodbye
Shhhhh I hear a dead fan base.........
Canes and Bruins game seven tonight - who we gonna get?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009



So here we are- do or die when it comes to Game 7. All the story lines are present, Sid vs Criminal, Geno vs himself and MAF vs staying in his own crease. This has been a very weird year for the penguins,and a very stressful one as a penguin fan.

If you love hockey then this will be the game to be at or to watch. It will and should be exciting and good should conquer evil. Listen -Like I have said before if you are not excited about this series then you are not breathing.

Everyone is picking Washington

Penguins are on the road ,but won there a few nights ago

Season on the line

Finish them


Friday, May 8, 2009

March of the Penguins....


So here we are oldest building in the NHL, house that Mario Built etc etc etc. We know what we have to do- Win no matter what it takes win.......

Enjoy this commercial about me, no really it is about me:

Have a great Weekend!
Lets go PENS!!!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dad can we watch the goal again?


Exhale,Bring it-

Wango Letango-


Are you serious? Letang buries it in overtime to beat the outplayed Caps last night 3-2.But the greatest part of the whole game for me was hearing the crowd( like any good Disney Movie) chant Geno, Geno,Geno for MIlkman. I don't know about you- but the Pittsburgh crowd wants him to succeed more than he knows. OT games are slowly killing me - I really don't know if I have anything left in the tank for friday night. I can't even imagine Pittsburgh when we win- what a party night down at Hightops(RIP).

Explain to me what other town , would chant a guys name who's been on the skid? Oh that's right nobody that I can think of. In fact I don't know if I have ever witnessed anything like that before. Pittsburgh once again is awesome and defiantly on another level.

So what now? Geno and Sid and Mcfluery hold up for one more game at home- white out again of course-plus I will be watching the game with a bunch of Yinzers from the burgh- can't ask for a better weekend.

Congrats to all the Graduates from the University of South Carolina!( Matt)

Congrats to the Brognano's on finishing another year at the State

Congrats to you the MSM on whatever you are doing and wherever you are!thanks for makingus part of your day!

And finally after 10 years of College I am done- it has been a great run- But no more teachers dirty looks........


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Excuse me while I whip this out of the zone..."


Big game in the House that Mario built along with the huge crowd outside the Mellon. Big screen and a big shot that you may see this yinzer beauty.......

I would totally take a face wash from this girl anywhere , anytime.


Get Aht your shovels.....


Pens are down but not out. The penguins have been down twice before to the Caps in Stanley Cup History 2-0 ,and have come back to win the series. So do not loose hope- just hate those Douche bags more. White out tonight!
Here is what I mean today:

My buddy Matt sent me this email in the weee weee hours of last night. It is self explanatory- Enjoy! It is a copy of Alex Ovechkin"s receipt from a gentleman's club in the nations Capital- what a douche bag. As a resident of this Earth how could you pull for this waste of space. Seriously how could you even compare Geno or Sid to this winner( sitting far left)-a friend from Pittsburgh said don't you wish we had him- I said our city would not have him. I hope that lady got checked who is sitting next to him....

Lets Go pens!!
Alex Ovechkin+Douche Bag comment in this post= Pens win at Igloo

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thunderbolt kinda Monday!


So Game one didn't go as the Pens planned. what it looked like was that the Caps outworked the Penguins as the Final minutes of the third period wound down. Plus The picture of the save on Crosby( 1st picture) was sick. I hope that one play doesn't turn a series around- but since it was game one and we can split tonight I don't thing it will matter.

So what ?We have allot of games left, Mike Lange pointed out on the broadcast that the Penguins have lost 6 out of the last 7 opening games to the capitals.OK so what usually happens next is that the high scoring offense of the pens will take over. It is good to loose early sometimes just to get the mindset that you are sometimes not over confident going into the next few games.

So here is the game plan SID and Geno have to come alive and put the criminal in his place. If you know me you know that I cannot stand Ovechkin. In fact growing up I have always hated the Capitals. Enough of the bad vibe. This is the theme for the 2009 Washington capitals- get excited:

This series is going to be like a kennywood favorite- the Thunderbolt- big drop and then pleased with the ending- awesome. ( or any really dirty Asian message parlor joke....)

Lets Go Pens!!!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Kentucky Derby Weekend!


For the first time in 7 years I will not be at the Kentucky Derby. Instead I will be at a Kentucky Derby Party out on Lake Carolina. The derby is one of the greatest sporting and social spectacles I have ever seen, and expierecned -oh what a party.

What you really don't know about derby is that there is alot more to derby than the two minutes that they show on TV.

I will give you a slim and not very accurate description of what you need to expierence this weekend if you are not attending the Crumlichs party on Lake Carolina.

  • There are between 13 and16 horse races on Kentucky Derby Saturday. ( The Kentucky Derby is always the 11th race)

  • There are between 13 and 16 horse races on Kentucky Oaks Day( Friday) .This day is more for the locals .

  • Derby starts about 5 weeks prior with a celebration called "Thunder over Louisville" where the city blows up 1 ton of fireworks near the famous bridges. Probably the Jerry Day Bridge.

  • There is week long parties and events through out the month prior to derby-and something called chuck wagon that Travis always gets excited about.

  • You can go to a local Kroger and watch them put together the Flowers for the winning horses in there flower department -The wemon will yell at you if you get to close.

  • You can collect derby glasses from every year- they are awesome

  • There is special issue Kentucky Bourbon issued every year for the derby- as there should be.I forget the official brand of the derby - but mine is always Wild Turkey.

  • You can get betting sheets for the derby at any liquor store or grocery-or the Days and Crumlichs can get you to the nearest computer and you can bet online.

  • You will run into celebrities at all night clubs and bars usually Friday night-Like Old Hickory or 4th street live.

  • The draw of the horses is live downtown and is a week before derby every year- another party
  • The Twin Spires official logo of Churchill downs
  • Mint Julips

Fancy Hats , Bowties and Streakers are all about.

For more information and up to the minute results from today's Kentucky Oaks, and tommorow's derby are here KENTUCKY DERBY 135 ( there is also betting information)

Everyone in my opinion needs to experience Derby once in their lives, if you can't get a feel for it I could describe it as the Superbowl with mardi gras combined into one I will be back

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Derby weekend

-hope your horse wins!