Monday, February 23, 2009

Phelepe's Virtual Diary

Dear Diary


Como are you today? My name is Philepe' Hondros Petos Billobos- but my freinds call me Burt. If you come to the Colonial life areeena or the new American Baseeballll Stadium here in North or South Carolina you can buy my Cotton Candy. Or what I like to call it Sex on A stiiik or stikk of sex in your mouth, but it izzzz madddeee with sugar cane pure off the vineee. All i can tell you is that is 19 pesos' or 5.oo American gringo dollars.

If you buuuy me sex on a stick all your dreams will probably come trueeee!

Sex on Stikkkk greattt!!!! I must resssttt bigg gamme this wedensday.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow this is amazing!!! I got all the people from the game reading the blog now!