Wednesday, June 11, 2008

US open for bussiness

Hey Ya'll,

So by a number of hands how many of you reading this are golf fans?Well if you are not this Blog probably will have nothing to do with you today- see you tomorrow. The US open is the only golf tournament on tour that any amature/ almost professional can participate in. It is a rigorous road to qualify and qualify and hell qualify again. Hell now that I think about it why would you put yourself through all that stuff to then go out and not make the cut at the actual tournament.

I have to say that I do give a great amount of credit to the College guys that make the cut , and a couple years ago the MILK farmer that made the tour. Yes here in America Milk farmers can play golf too.

Here are some things to look for in this US OPEN.

#1. Torrey Pines: the tournament travels every year and gives you and the players something to look at that is different. I guess it would be compared to going to the same strip club even though you have gone there your whole life- it gets boring. So does golf.

#2 Tiger Woods Knee: OH HIIIIIIIIIII, I'm Tiger woods, I make a gazillon dollars a year, I win tournaments, I'm Numba one in the whole world, I married a Swedish Nanny - ( Hey tiger we get it, shut up , putt , win leave us alone) No body really likes you .

#3 Lefty: Phil " Man Boobs" Michelson is every blue collar golfer out there with an extremely hot wife and a green jacket. Oh wait that is none of us actually. Scratch that. Phil is the only guy that any one can stand, because just like us he has man boobs.

So I never said I was an expert, Hell I'm 90-100 golfer , but I thought I would let every one know what they are missing because in your right mind are you really going to watch Golf for four days? I hope not.

Listen for more zaniness on the Tyler and Turner Morning Show On or if your local New 92 on the Dial .

Hit Ya''ll up for the Friday thing,



uptil6 said...

Nix where is the putt-putt course that you shoot 90. I know that you dont break 100 on a real course.

uptil6 said...

Nix its going to come down to who can sink a long putt on 17 for birdie and then follow that with a solid par on 18. It almost seems like that has happened recently.

Unknown said...

I played golf once.

Didn't like it.
The end.

Unknown said...

Hey uptil6! You suck as an individual!

banana hammock said...

Nix don't forget about your pregnant belly to go along with your man boobs. When the hell are you gonna have that kid anyway? It's been baking in your oven for what, about 5 years now.