Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Traveling Willburies

Hey Ya'll,

Big day for the NIX taking the big flight into Louisville in a few hours. If you remember from yesterday I am coaching the Josh Day all stars in the St. Elizabeth Basketball tournament in German town KY. This is a big year for us because we have the long awaited return of a player that I have never seen play- Ryan Fehe(fay-hay). We are looking pretty good and will defiantly keep the mill up to date over this weekend.

Speedy recovery to Tyler and Turners- Tyler. He had a Biopsy on his vocal chords he was quite the trooper today and I am wishing him the best in his recovery this week.

The penguins are on the edge of almost elimination, and that doesn't boad well for Gary Roberts. He is still watching you right now.

Just got home from seeing the second installment of the NARNIA series, Prince Caspian. For the first time in my life I read the book before I saw the movie and now I know why I do not do such things like that. It was relatively the same but not on. Movie was great!

Well I hope all is well with the "fan club" and Can't wait for Church Hill Downs on Thursday Morning. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week, and hope we have some adventures to talk about along the way. Like ELBY"s Big boy for instance.

Talk to ya'll from the Bluegrass state tomorrow, until then take a listen to NEW92 on the world wide Internet.



tiffaneyperry said...

You couldn't coach your way out of a paper bag. It is clearly the talent level that has brought you coaching success. I saw you coach your team to an 0-3 record the year I attended. NO! You shut up!!!!!!!!!!

tiffaneyperry said...

Please don't bet any races at Churchill, inevitably the horses you bet die.

uptil6 said...

Tiffaney is right with that talent the only way you can lose is very bad game decisions by the coach. You are on the hot seat this year and better respond if you have any hopes of a contract extension.

Nixheckler said...

It's Germantown(one word)- Ryan Fahey(FA-hay), and Frisch's Big Boy

Unknown said...

Are you going to go to the KY derby musuem with the locals? I'd bet they'd LOVE that! YOU ROCK NIX!

Unknown said...

Maybe this is the weekend that you get some redheaded peckers texted to your phone!

uptil6 said...

Scott I heard that you and Nix have been looking for a few movies that had more schlong than boobs to watch while he was in town, tell me thats not true.

uptil6 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
B said...

YOu can read

Let's go pens