The Biggest thing I have heard from last night's home preseason game is that the Steelers first team in the first half looked like they were in Mid season form. That is all well and good, but the starters only played the first half and the first set of downs in the second half. 17-0 final stillers.
Big hitter from last night was numba 51 James Farrior. At 34 years of age had an interception, sack and TD last night.
One last Thing, Today is Chad Brognano's 33rd birthday, last night Chad and his dame took me out to a Cleavland Browns bar- yeah I know. We had a great time !

Also Pittsburgh Paparazzi Nate Nevala sent us this photo of a way way way throwback from last night's preseason humdinger.
Have a great last open Sunday before Football.