Sunday, August 30, 2009

MIdseason Form?


The Biggest thing I have heard from last night's home preseason game is that the Steelers first team in the first half looked like they were in Mid season form. That is all well and good, but the starters only played the first half and the first set of downs in the second half. 17-0 final stillers.

Big hitter from last night was numba 51 James Farrior. At 34 years of age had an interception, sack and TD last night.

One last Thing, Today is Chad Brognano's 33rd birthday, last night Chad and his dame took me out to a Cleavland Browns bar- yeah I know. We had a great time !

Also Pittsburgh Paparazzi Nate Nevala sent us this photo of a way way way throwback from last night's preseason humdinger.

Have a great last open Sunday before Football.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Steelers Friday


It's great to be a Steelers fan. Here are two new reasons:

A known Dog killer did not go 4-4 for 19 yards in his post incarcerated debut. Boy everyone can talk about how great the Eagles looked tonight in their third preseason game last night. Did you pay attention to how miserable Donavan Mcnabb looked on the sidelines while Vick was in the game? How long do you give this in Philly till they hook Donavan and Wildcat it up with Vick full time. -ridiculous.

The other Reason came a few nights ago when I was getting ready to watch another episode of Entourage, and I came across the HBO series hard knocks- inside Bengal training camp. What a complete joke of a football club. It made me appreciate the Steelers more and more every time I saw a player sit down because of a sprain or watching Ocho Stinko run the whole camp.

Do they even have a Head Coach? Is this franchise even relevant? Wow

Steelers are on the road in Buffalo - without TO Saturday night. Ben and the 1st team offense will make a whole 1st half appearance and that should be it for the rest of the preseason.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and We will unveil the new lineup for the MSM next week!



Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pittsburgh Attitude


Reading the Post Gazette From home, there was a great article from Gene Collier. Gene as you know is my favorite Writer from the Post Gazette. To do the Article justice I will not comment on it - just leave it here for you to read!

Go Stillers!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Picking up the 10


So tonight I went to a local bowling alley and watched one of my Co-workers Fred S. in a Bowl off. Fred for 8 out of the 10 or 11 weeks was leading the league going into their playoffs. Fred tonight in the Semi final game lost by 5 pins. Not only did he not miss a pin until the 7th frame, the guy he was bowling against was perfect through 7 .

Bowling has always been one of my favorite sports. I was a bowler until I was 15, then Other sports took control. Congrats to Fred aka Kingpin for one hell of a season. I look forward to his tutelage in the weeks to come.

Have a great Hump day !

New line up on the way for the MSM and steelers Friday.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Post Game Look............


So the Super Bowl champs had their second Practice game of the 2009 season. It was the first time they were on the road, fans were not an issue because it was a Pittsburgh Bi-partisan crowd but the elements showed up for the first time this season.

Through the first half all I could really see was dumb penalties. In the first season match up against the Cards- we looked disciplined and ready to go . With Ben not on the Field we looked like we had allot of issues concerning not going offside and 10 other penalties that added up for 74 yards.

Dennis Dixon Separated his AC ligament , (or a separated shoulder) in the 3rd quarter last night and will be ok. He looked good at times and then not -so . I realize this is his first time and getting allot of reps behind Chuck Batch. But in the long run I am really happy that we have Charlie Batch as our Back up!

Shades of a past Willie Parker showed last night as he had numerous runs and especially one into the end zone. For the first time this season our running game had a pulse. Hines had 2 great mid-season catches and the Special teams are just Special. I mean real Special.

I am still not sold on SWEED, someone tell me why I should be?

Hope Everyone has a great week, Lots of big things happening around the MSM- more to come!

The MSM is looking for your Steeler Pictures, they will be posted weekly -


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dammit Dave


So fellow Yinzer, Wally's Alum and Penn Stater Dave "Alqueda" or Queda for short showed up today at the Igloo Club and reminded me how great it was that the Steelers Are playing tonight- so after about a 6er' of Yings I am ready for Practice football tonight......

Oh yeah we watched The Super Bowl video on the 48' tv in the main room( Brutus).

I realize that Mike Tomlin is one bad Brotha'

Sh** Fools Joe Cool is back!

Here we GO!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Steelers Friday!


So today at Latrobe IN a full contact drill Defensive MVP James Harrison pushed O-line tackle Max starks into Big Ben whom then was rolled on by the big fella. After Numerous reports of a torn ACL/MCL- Ben and the rest of us will not know a thing until the MRI Friday Morning.

In all honesty I didn't think we would go Scott free through the preseason. - I hope that it works out for the nation when we get the all clear that Ben will sit the rest of the Preseason and that he will be 99.9% on Opening night.

As much as I love points , If we have the special teams and the Defense the team can still repeat as SB champs.

I am not Counting Ben out by any means. - but i have to look at the positives that we still have on the Field.

Steelers are in the Nations Capitol for a preseason scrimmage on Saturday at 7:30 Make sure that you turn in to the Flagshipp of the Pittsburgh Steelers 102.5 WDVE. With every one in the Burgh watching it on KDKA.

Best thing I have found in a long while is this shirt.

Have a great weekend!

****Late Reports have Ben with just an Ankle injury and there is little talk about the ACL/MCL injury any more. I don't know if they are trying to down play it - but it looks like just an Ankle for the time being.

School's Back


Today is the first day of many NCAA campuses.........for classes. Personally This means Football is right around the corner.

Good luck to the incoming freshmen and women. Hope you Rock out with your Gamecock out!

Have a great Thursday- big Steelers Friday coming!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yeah Yeah Brett we beleive you........?*&^%$#(@


So the NFL Drama Queen is back for the time being. Or so he says. Brett "Wrangler Jean Commercial "Farve is now going to Quarterback for once longtime division rivals the Minnesota Vikings. In all honesty before Farve decided to join this team- they are looking pretty much the front runners in the NFC. I would personally love to see a Steelers-Vikings SB.

Hope everyone has a great
This is the video from yesterday............sorry.

Lunch break


Eat this!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Steeler Fans International


In an effort to globalize more Steeler fans , our Friend Chuck is going out on her own and making Steeler fans one at a time. Chuck as see here in the Picture above , broke into a local swimming pool and is teaching little international kids all about the Steelers of old and new.

So if you here the screams of No , No Telemundo turn to Here we go Steelers , Here we go.You Know Chuck has been in the Area.

Here we Go!


Join ( Igloo Club 222 on facebook)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Simon, let's get the Hell out of Philly......


So Mike Vick has a second chance. Big whoop. Philly fans are so mad that a large majority of them are returning their season tickets. So unless you live under a rock - we all knew that Vick was not going to be in black and gold-It even crossed my mind that he would resurface in the CFL with the Edmonton Eskimos or this brand new weekday professional football leauge.I am still kind of shocked that the NFL let him back in so fast.

The NFL has never catered to degenerate athletes, I understand that there are some athletes that have been accused of murder, drug trafficing and rape- but now animal abuse.
What people need to remember is that MV murdered dogs for profit amoung a bunch of thugs at his guest house daily. I really hope that the NFL has not fallen so far out of touch that bringing big ticket athletes back, is more important than doing the right thing( role models).

Decco from San Diego says:
Have a great start to your week!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Welcome Back!

Well we are back in full force for the rest of the year! I had to take a little break to get back into the Black n Gold Swing!

The Steelers First preseason game had alot of positives tonight along with no Injuries. The main highlights that I can think of from tonight's open practice were , Sweed coming into his own with 2 catches for 42 yards along with first round draft pick Ziggy Hood with one tackle , and one sack. D. Dixon is up to standard. Finally R. Mendenhall averaged a 2.7 yards per carry. Frank the Tank only had a few carries for not.

As a unit standpoint , we looked very solid, along with trying to look at the second year guys Mendenhall has alot to prove along with our kicker Sepulveda. Sepulveda looked amazing with his huge punts of 90 and 95 yeards( kidding)

Great turn out at the Igloo CLub tonight( join on facebook) we had a great preseason crowd with a couple of newbies along for the ride. Man I am so glad that Football season is upon us once again!
If you have any ideas or comments about the Blog please do so on this site. I look forward to chatting with alot of yinz whom read it daily.

I am sending out a special Thanks to Murphy's Bar and Grill in Myrtle Beach for putting us on their Facebook Page. A special thanks to Steve B. For getting us on there and taking great care of us earlier this week!

I hope everyone has a great Weekend and Look for more Blogs about everything Pittsburgh Starting Monday!

Isac Redmann- undrafted Rookie Hope we keep you !
Here wE GO !


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good and the Bad of it....


So today was a very tough day in the city of Pittsburgh as a senseless shooting took 3 people's lives. We here at the MSM send our thoughts and especially our prayers to those people's families.

The city of Pittsburgh will once again rise above and beyond for members of it's community. I have no doubt.

On a lighter note, The Brognano's are on their way to Sunny South Carolina as I type this entry. I look forward to taking about a million pictures this weekend as we celebrate the First pre-season game of Steelers football along with their first trip to the Igloo club 222( join on facebook).

The university of Pittsburgh has been picked to Win the Big East conference this upcoming Football Season. I shit you not, Wanstache actually may pull this off. Along with Joe Pa and the Lions winning the Big 11 this year- this may be the greatest sports year in the regions history.

If you have not watched the recent Penguins Stanley cup video - get it and watch it. It is amazing production from beginning to end. Not bad music either.

Everyone enjoy the rest of your week and the MSM will get back on a daily blogging basis in the weeks to come.

Enjoy what everyone has to offer today, and look forward to the things that you enjoy in life.
Lets Get Junkered!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

And so it begins!


So the First weekend of the 2009 NFL camp season is in the books and as of Friday there was allot of ruckus in Latrobe PA. Nothing that the World champs couldn't handle. Big Ben talked to the team behind closed doors about what happened with the Gold digger in Vegas. He also came out to the press the following day and said that is main focus was on Football.

Camp Tomlin has a different kind of vibe going on up there, different from the camps that Noll and Cowher had. From the reports it sounds like it is all business, no time for talk of Mike Vick at camp or numerous reports from my friends on Friday that Vick was seen on a charter plane with Tomlin , the Rooney's and Elvis.

The Steelers just a few days in are starting to look like the Steelers of old.....Champions.

Have a good start to your week!
