Monday, July 21, 2008

THE NFC is Nuts Tuesday!

Hey Y'all,

So it is official the NFC is crazy, Like JOKER crazy, JT to the skins and now Shockey to the Saints. Wow I knew they wanted him out of new york but come on, the saints and for what oh that is right nothing. They should have thrown in a Washer , Dryer combo to sweeten the pot. Boy there is no rhyme or reason in the NFC.

Is it just me or are the so called big name players not getting treated like big name players anymore.The Shockley's and the Jason Taylor's not to mention the upcoming drama with Bengals camp and the Steelers residuals should make for a very dramatic pre season story line.

In the MSM Death Tournament in an overwhelming win Billy Mays advances over one of the sure fire favorites the Jedi's - this is an unbelievable match up and stunner. In today's match up It is the legend of Bigfoot vs Shera and the Smurfs- weird but it is happening.



She-ra and the Smurfs

Tell us why and whom would win this epic forest battle- OK it's a little twisted and to boot I can't wait to see the response we get ....they have been quite complete and entertaining lately.

President Bush gave his best to team USA as they embarked on there journey to Beijing for the 2008 summer Olympics. The Olympics start 8-8-08 kinda cool. As a kid growing up I loved the Olympics, it's kind of one of those love your family, god and your country thing. I just love the USA- there is nothing like competing against the world in sports. There couldn't be a more original and more competitive Idea. I am going to do an Olympics recap when it finally starts and keep you updated on the medal count.

SO everyone regroup and look forward to the middle of the week!



Nixheckler said...

Bigfoot is a notch above Gargamel and Azraels skills so the smurfs will not outsmart him. As far as she-ra goes, she will be out hookin somewhere and will be M.I.A.

RicFlair said...

Bigfoot would clearly win. He would start by raping she-re to death with his giant thing and then he would simply eat all the smurfs.

chucknorris said...

I would win

tiffaneyperry said...

I would clearly win. I would first belittle the smurfs until they were wimpering cowards. You remember I used to treat you. Then I ass flop them all because my ass is so big now that is has its own atmosphere. Then that whore she-ra she would be no match how my bitchiness. I would take her to the wineries and then assault her at the biker bars afterwards. For these reasons I would win.

Jim Mitchell said...

Big foot hands down... This legendary animal is host of multiple communicable diseases one of which includes that virus that causes people to become Zombies and feed on the brains of the living. She-ra would instantly become a flesh eating zombie and not recognizing what big foot is she would quickly to turn to the smurfs cracking open their heads and feasting on the gooey insides. Even if big Foot was to get into trouble he is personal friends with John Lithgow who is crazy and not too mention is to be rumored to be in the 2010 release feature length film "The Smurfs" so he has the inside track to the inner workings of the smurf's war strategies.

banana hammock said...

Tornadoes don't really exist, Chuck Norris just doesn't like trailer parks.

These matches are stupid, no one can defeat chuck norris.

Nix after my time away I'm glad to see you still suck!