Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sweet Lady Thursday!

Hey Yinzers,

What is happening? So it is just a stones throw away from the Olympic games in Beijing. I am a huge fan of the Olympic games- why you ask? This is why I love the US of A I love pulling for the English speaking athletes that reek havoc over the rest of the world in actual games. fantastic Idea for competition. I wonder if they have Bocce' Ball?

In MSM death tournament news IN a huge win Peter Griffen took Rambo down quicker than Holly Mcdaniel( former HO that we know) Unbelievable answers for the reasoning far better than what I would have come up with! In today's Match up :

Those racing Heart attacks( the Racing Sausages)


Jolly Green Giant( Over sized- Green Machine)

Tell us why and whom will win this inter eating-gender match up?Make sure to clean your plate!

In other random News My Friend Jim may be on to something- in fact he has cast the next Mr Ed Movie- enough said!

I hope every one has a great Thursday,


Wedensday Bi-atches!

Hey Yinz guys,

So here we are at the middle of the Hubbub, So here in the great state of South Carolina- The Foosball players here think they are in Louisville and try to get arrested all the time. Super-star backup savior of the GameCocks is being reinstated by the University possibly by the end of the week. You know I never knew that trying to have a winning football team cost the integrity of the University but what kind of winning does that promote to young fans? I'll tell you what it promotes a team that shouldn't go 6-6 but will. Ridiculous. Period.( if you are going to cheat and get caught at least have a winning record)

In the MSM death tournament, In a very decisive win UNCLE SAM whipped Hot dogs by a very large well foot long decision into the second round he goes! IN to days long awaited match up :

Rambo ( Sylvester Stallone) No matter how old he is he can still kill you!


Peter Griffen ( quahog's lone savior)

In other scholarly news, two West Virginia Mountaineer Basketball Players were arrested at a Pittsburgh Pirates Baseball game are being arraigned on charges they had a scuffle with police at PNC park -OK so did they burn the couch when the Pirates won or just for the heck of it outside the Park?

Oh Brett Farve what are you doing. Did you know that if you stayed out of football we would not have any thing to talk about, so here is the deal last night from his Mississippi Brett Faxed in his request to be traded- lets just say that went over like a lead brick. Write in the comments section what you think or where you think he will end up for this upcoming season? Who will win the Brett Favra lottery?
IN other Great Steelers camp news: Daniel Sepulvada tore his ACL at practice yesterday=Great!

In fact lets go through the best highlights of this season

  • Best quarterback in the NFL
  • Worst Schedual in NFL history
  • NO punter
  • Patriots still cheating
  • Wade, Travis, David( friess) etc Wally's still love dem' Stillers
Have a great Middle of the week and get out and play some Bocce' Ball.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Super Tuesday!!

Hey Y'all,

So I am Back and I have missed allot. First off I have missed you the MSM family of readers next I missed the 30th birthday of my Best Friend Travis Day. So today will be a Photo memory chest of this fine gentleman and our wild endeavours......

Drinking for the Troops in Iraq( Just don't ask him where it is)

Reaching out to the "others" in the community- just kidding life long friend Augustus!

Playing with his number one fan( not really) OK maybe?

Happy Belated ( forgotten) Birthday fat-boy!

IN the MSM death tournament The Huxtables defeated Santa Clause and sent his red ass packing so as we continue on with the tournament. Now it is time for an all American Match up-

Uncle Sam


Hot Dogs
Start Voting and tell us why the number one Food of Americans, can it choke up Father America?

Tomorrow, we will start looking at Pre-season Camps for the NFL-and where the Baseball season is going( then back to football) Again!

We will also continue with the celebration of Travis Day for his 30th Birthday!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wheres Waldo Friday?

Hey Ya'll,

So here is the deal I was at the wing Tuesday night trying to decide whom got shafted in getting into the MSM death Tournament? Here is my list and reason why :

  • Waldo( nobody could find him to battle)

  • Will Smith( fresh prince of neon colors)

  • The Joker( whom knew????)

  • the cobra ki( karate kid- put em in a body bag Johnny)

  • David Hasselhoff( original Knight rider)

  • Crocket and Tubbs( Miami Vice)

  • Cookie Monster

SO last night in the WNBA there was a huge fight- with the original bad boy Bill Lambier Huge cat fight 7 people were ejected 11 gals were involved. This is the most exciting thing that has ever happened in the WNBA here is the video:Really Crappy Video

Today in the MSM death TOURNAMENT ANOTHER second round upset from last night Bigfoot Smashed the Competition against the Smurfs and She-Ra........

So as the second round continues the reasons are getting better and the competition is getting tougher- today's match up consists of the following:

Santa Clause


The Huxtables

Vote early and often on this second round death match, I have a feeling that JELLO won't be any help to Theo as the Man in the red suit has blood on his mind!sorry that there was no blog on Wednesday but I had to travel to PA for a Family thing! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

See you on the road,Friday!


Monday, July 21, 2008

THE NFC is Nuts Tuesday!

Hey Y'all,

So it is official the NFC is crazy, Like JOKER crazy, JT to the skins and now Shockey to the Saints. Wow I knew they wanted him out of new york but come on, the saints and for what oh that is right nothing. They should have thrown in a Washer , Dryer combo to sweeten the pot. Boy there is no rhyme or reason in the NFC.

Is it just me or are the so called big name players not getting treated like big name players anymore.The Shockley's and the Jason Taylor's not to mention the upcoming drama with Bengals camp and the Steelers residuals should make for a very dramatic pre season story line.

In the MSM Death Tournament in an overwhelming win Billy Mays advances over one of the sure fire favorites the Jedi's - this is an unbelievable match up and stunner. In today's match up It is the legend of Bigfoot vs Shera and the Smurfs- weird but it is happening.



She-ra and the Smurfs

Tell us why and whom would win this epic forest battle- OK it's a little twisted and to boot I can't wait to see the response we get ....they have been quite complete and entertaining lately.

President Bush gave his best to team USA as they embarked on there journey to Beijing for the 2008 summer Olympics. The Olympics start 8-8-08 kinda cool. As a kid growing up I loved the Olympics, it's kind of one of those love your family, god and your country thing. I just love the USA- there is nothing like competing against the world in sports. There couldn't be a more original and more competitive Idea. I am going to do an Olympics recap when it finally starts and keep you updated on the medal count.

SO everyone regroup and look forward to the middle of the week!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Batman Hangover (Monday)!

Hey y'all,

So the whole weekend was crazy with Batman Talk. Like I said on Friday it was awesome it was bigger than life and to this date is the movie of the century. Best MAGIC trick ever!Check out this site for three free pre-views if you are not sold on going to see this masterpiece yet:THE DARK KNIGHT

So in an effort to increase the increasingly popular sport of MMA, Spike TV had a Free Pay-per view on Saturday night with the Main event featuring Anderson Silva. I am not even going to mention the other chumps name because :37 seconds into the Fight Silva knocked him out( hit him in the mouth). One of the greatest knockouts I have ever seen.

We are really close to Football season and NFL news is starting to pick up, Jason Taylor is now a REDSKIN. Pretty interesting that they wanted rid of him that bad that the Dolphins only got two draft picks in exchange. I am glad he is not with them anymore- they didn't need to treat him poorly because he did extracurricular things that didn't include drugs- hookers or outrageous money- he danced. The dolphins front office needs to grow up- and win more than one game next year.

In the MSM death tournament - things are starting to heat up right now. Here are the first round winners and here are the pairings for the second round:

  • JEDI'S vs Billy Mays

  • Bigfoot vs She-Ra and the Smurfs

  • Santa Clause Vs Huxtables

  • Uncle Sam vs Hot dogs

  • Peter Griffin Vs Rambo

  • Racing Sausages vs Jolly Green Giant

  • Snuffalufagus vs Steeley McBeam

  • Rick Flair vs BATMAN

The rules stay the same, pick your winner and the reason why and yes we are only accepting online comments to be counted as votes. Just think when this tournament is done Football season will be here.

Lets start with our first second round match up in the MSM death tournament:



Billie Mays

Vote early and often and We here at MSM really appreciate all the support we have been getting in the past couple months. Keep on Keeping on!

See Everyone on Tuesday!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Up all night Friday!

Hey Y'all,

So last night at MIDNIGHT EST. The release of THE DARK NIGHT hit theaters. Needless to say I am blogging about it immediately. My friend Jim and my self lasted the whole 3 hours and I am not going to sleep( actually) going straight to work....

Jim said not to give away anything about the plot until next week , but since this is a sports blog I know i have to get back to sports- well maybe - OK on Monday.

Here is my advice, stop everything on Friday and go and see the movie. It may be the most flawless piece of film I have ever seen. Christan Bale , Micheal Cain and Heath Ledger may have given the performances of their lives. Heath Ledger did us justice by playing the best character ever- his performance( not by his death) was his most complete and believable character ever.

I have always been a BATMAN fan, from Adam West and Burt Ward to the Micheal Keaton Days when he was battling "Jack " as the Joker. Don't forget the very dark and controversial cartoon on fox( my dad and I used to watch) . I have never seen a movie of any genre be a complete story with full development of characters and story line in a 3 hour period- go see it.

In the MSM death Tournament Terminators vs Jedi , let me state by saying I did not know that the next big movie by Christan Bale is when he is going to play John Conner in the final terminator movie coming out next summer. OK ENOUGH MOVIES.................................the Jedi's prevail and move onto the semi final rounds of the tournament .

ON Monday I will show a list of winners and match ups for everyone to vote on.

Have a great weekend and I will get back to sports on Monday!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thirsty Thursday!

Hey Y'all,

So it's official , the blog counter has been running for one month and to my surprise we are Kicking some serious ass. In a week where Id's were stolen and ungodly hours were worked- This is a true positive. I really wanted to thank all of you just for stopping by to read my Blog. Hell I didn't even know what a blog was a few months ago- I am sure that there are better blogs out there. But one thing is for sure that the commenter's and the people that click on to it daily really make a difference and I promise that in the weeks to come with football it will really improve. We have some new editions coming in Pre-season too. So stay tuned and Thank you very much.

Ok so now that the love- fest is over....How bout that the next installment of Batman returns to theaters tonight at midnight. I am really excited to see what happens in Heath ledgers last performance.It's a shame He looks like a great Joker. Oh well hope the Movie is great!

For the first time in my lifetime the Steelers are having some serious drama with the ownership- this is enough and now Allegheny county wants money back if the Rooney's are not the primary owners- please let this end. I totally blame that damn Steeley Mcbeam- if he wouldn't have shown up I think that everything would have been ok - but noooooooooooo we had to have a mascot thanks alot.

Speaking of Drama: MSM has an exclusive phone conversation that was held between Brett Farve and the Green Bay Packers- we have exclusive rights to share this with you .........

Phone rings:

Green Bay Packers: Hello?

Brett Farve: Uh Hiiiii? How have you guys been doing?

Green Bay Packers: Brett we are fine why are you calling? You know that we don't want to talk to you right now in fact we don't want you talking to anyone....

Brett Farve: Well I was thinking since all those nice people in GB showed up at that rally for me that you guys possibly would just want to maybe uh...... you know........

Green Bay Packers:Brett are you trying to get back together with us? You know what the answer is.

Brett Farve: But I , I am ( Crying outright) the face of your franchise and I want to play football.

Green Bay Packers: Um the answer is no, and we have someone new you may have heard of him Arron Rodgers, and Brett he is not wining like you are right now.

Brett Farve: screw you guys and I want my cheese back- now.( Hangs up phone)

Green Bay Packers: Wow what happened to him, Aaron it was no-body must have been a wrong number.

We may be having allot of problems in Pittsburgh but at least we can handle a break up, Just ask Kordel when Yancy wouldn't return his phone calls.

In the battle of cool guy supremacy Billy mays moves on over Chris Hansen this was a huge shocker , kind of like America's obsession with watching Hansen put pedophiles behind bars. Weird.

In the Final first round match up for the MSM death tournament, we have a match up of brutal proportion. these two mortal enemies will probably meet in some science fiction basement party of the quiet kid in your math class.




The reason I Am grouping them is so that you can interchange the Jedi's versus the terminators. Two of the greatest challengers of all time. Hope you vote and vote often .

In Fridays MSM I will recap all first round winners and start talking a little football.

Thanks for hanging in there during my crapper of a week!