Monday, June 30, 2008


Hey y'all,


Peter Griffin__


American DAD__

So this is what the Bracket looks like in the next( current) match-up for the MSM death tournament. It has a real fourth of July feel to it doesn't it.

(Forest Griffen- no relation to peter)

In other non- football sports news UFC 86 is this week and what a headliner fight. Forest Griffin vs. Rampage Jackson. If you recall Jackson stunned the world by knocking out Chuck Lidel a few months back . That gave Jackson a much needed push and the Belt( light heavy weight ) . I am truly looking forward to this fight this weekend.

Here is the Site:

Well The Tampa Bay Lightning are cleaning house and putting together write a roster for next year. With head mullet in charge the pens may have some competition in the East. Oh by the way Gary Roberts and Ryan Malone from the Pens are two of the newest Bolts- congrats losers.

Hey it was brought to my attention by one of the blogger son this site that when picking a winner you have to describe how the match was won. Oh one more thing, tell your friends about this site I would like to continue to get my numbers up so I can expand the site in the weeks to come with some videos and other live feed things . Simple More people, more comments= more money!

( Real life picture of Peter Griffin)isn't the Internet great!

I appreciate that it has only been up for a few weeks, and we are doing as well as we can here in the middle of summer( crickets) but we do have football right around the corner.

Boom goes the dynamite!


Short week/ Short Bus?

Hey ya'll,

So America $@#% yeah! So it's America's Birthday is this week- how cool is that. I would also thank the Calender Makers for throwing it on a Friday this year. Big sports weeks from NASCAR at Daytona to the Big UFC fight.

Lets talk about the MSM death Tournament going on, the polyester gang BATTLE is officially over in a very decisive victory The Sausages will be moving on in the weeks to come.

In today's match up since it is America's birthday we will have a week of patriotic battles. all you have to do is vote- additional commentary is not needed but entertaining.

Commando vs. Rambo

Both got there start in 80's and both are still battling on someones blue ray right now. Oh and one is Governor of California.

The UFC is having a huge night of fights on Saturday UFC 86- cannot wait to see the Big battle between Forest Griffen and Quinton Rampage Jackson. Huge insider on it tomorrow.
Talk to yinz tomorrow!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's Friday!

Hey Ya'll,

Well The fight ,Continues so we will continue and let you know whom is involved in this polyester battle for supremacy. The MSM tournament has never seen a battle quite like this. Here is who is involved:

For the Sausages: THE BRATWURST Bratwurst comes to the Brewers after years of Olympic training on the German National team, never quite making it past the trials. He is intimidating to the other participants with his muscular physique. Bratwurst trains like a machine, having not missed a day of weight lifting in years. He is very competitive, and wants nothing more than to win every race. Watch out though, he may stop at nothing to be the best. Hot Dog once found his shoes in the trash only minutes before a race. There was no hard evidence linking Bratwurst to this offense, but speculation abounds.

THE POLISH SAUSAGE Polish Sausage came to Milwaukee after years of coaching high school cross-country. He’s most notable for his effective way of racing. Many lose confidence on him at the beginning of his races because of his slow starts. However, when the time comes to make his move, Polish Sausage always closes the gap. When the others are tired from exerting too much energy at the beginning of a race, he makes a strong finish look easy

THE ITALIAN SAUSAGE The Italian Sausage is the suave one of the bunch. He makes everything look easy and most times, doesn't even break a sweat. His spicy personality is a favorite among the crowd. Italian has been known to work his way out of many sticky situations. This skill usually allows him to sneak out of the pack and into the lead down the home stretch of countless Sausage Races.

THE HOT DOG Hot Dog, also known as Wiener (or Frank to his closest friends), is an All-American favorite of both the young and old. He's worked hard to deserve this reputation. The simplicity of Hot Dog is what makes him so popular. He tries his best in what he does, and knows the effort was there even if the win was not. People cannot help but to love Hot Dog. His happy-go-lucky personality brings a smile to the crowd's face. The infamous Sausage Race is not one for the faint of heart. Hot Dog's demeanor keeps him from ever being rattled even in the fiercest of competitions.

For the Pirogi:

Sauerkraut Saul: The leader ,an edgy one of the group.He takes nothing from no-body. Saul as born under the Clemente bridge many moons ago . He is great with a knife and has fought his way out of many dinner time situations on Pig Hill.

Jalapeno Hanna: Spicy doesn't even characterise this chick. she is filled with spunk and great with a can of mace or num-chucks that she keeps in her green purse. When in tough situations she has been known to kick a sausage well - you know where.

Oliver Onion: This rogi' has a very shadowy past. He did some time ,you can tell that because he has some self made pirate tattoos that he did in the joint. This group of pirogi is not one to mess with - look for them to race and fight dirty if the fight lasts through the weekend.

Now you decide.

So Next week is 4Th of JULY( not the really lame Tom Cruise movie) But the actual holiday.Leading into next weekend that holds the Next chapter in UFC fighting history. I will do a complete break down of the matches along with finally getting the Bracket up for MSM death tournament. Thanks to all that have voted! Can't wait to see whom wins!

Thanks to Paul's Philadelphia eatery for Lunch yesterday! Delicious as usual!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thirsty Thursday!

Hey Ya'll,

Had a great time on the show yesterday with U-TURN Laverne. Excelent show. As for stupid athletes.

Let me put this disclaimer out there right now. I live and die by the Black and Gold. There will never be a greater team - fanbase or love of anything in my life than the Pittsburgh Steelers. As for that being said. Terry Bradshaw came clean about his steroid usage in his career to heal quicker. OK , When first reading the article in the Post Gazette I was Pissed , But as always and I can't say that for all TV/sports personalities Dan Patrick was a gentleman and a scholar in the interview. Check out the article.

My responce to that was Big deal - did you see what Skelator( AL Davis) did with the Radiers- give me a break . Just like I do not want to know who killed Kennedy I do not want to know who used steroids over their career.

MSM death tournament countinues with a huge Battle from yesterday as JOlly Green Giant with his huge set of brussel sprouts beat the SPMM ,JOlly prevailed in a battle of the giants. Today's tournament matchup has a different twist to it.

It's a mascot Gang fight, The Sausages from the Milwaukee Brewers are taking on the Perogis from the Pittsburgh Pirates. With a side of butter and onions I think I know who is going to win this polyester gang war. In fact they are going to battle for two days-so vote more than once over the next two days. We will go into specifics about each of the Pirogi sand Sausages tomorrow.

Listen every morning to the TNT Morning hysteria on 92.1 in the midlands or on your 'puter at NEW92.1

Have a Great Thursday!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Humpy Dumpy Hump Day!

Hey Ya'll,

Well it looks like Snuffalufagus is moving on in the MSM tournament of death. I guess just like their short Singing career- Cultish Tenacious D was dealt a fatal blow from the Hairy elephant.

As for other big news, Famous Mulletor and old time hockey Guy Barry Melrose has been hired by the brass at the Tampa Bay Lightning. It will be interesting taking that number one draft pick of theirs and With him on the bench to see how far he can take them in the upcoming months. This is a really good move, I have always liked Melrose - he is a meat and potatoes guy.

In depressing NHL news Pittsburgh penguins fans hearts were broken early yesterday morning when finding out that local Folk hero and assistant captain - Gary Roberts will not return to the club in the fall. This is quite crappy. ( That is the nicest way I can put it on here) NO more Mr. Roberts neighborhood.

Now onto the MSM Death tournament. In another first round match up-In a gigantic Match up from the 80's The Stay puff Marshmallow man is in a dogfight with the Jolly green Giant( Ho Ho Ho) . So I hope the voting is stronger tomorrow. Who will win the diabolical battle of insignia supremacy?

Tune in Thursday to see the results , along with hearing me co-host the Tyler and Turner Morning show for the rest of the week. or if you are in the midlands 92.1 fm on your radio dial.

Peace in the Middle east- out


Monday, June 23, 2008

Tensions Tuesday?

Hey Ya'll,

Over the weekend a couple of the Commenter's here at the MSM have gone absolutely nuts. I must agree I like the banter but in all good fun why can't we all get along with out references to Liberace'.

Ok so the tournament must continue , and with my better judgement In a first round match up Longtime best Friend of Big Bird Snuffalufagus is battling old time rockers, Tenacious D. Jack Black and Kyle Gass have their hands full on this one. Write in with your vote telling why each of these individuals should move on to the next round.

I am still having some computer issues but by the end of the week I will figure out how you can get a copy of the tournament brackets.

In other news, Long time smart-ass and great Comic George Carlin passed away on Sunday evening. This is a total bummer. He never changed his shtick and is totally funny all the time. Check out allot of the new postings on

UFC has a huge fight coming up next weekend we will be previewing that in the days to come along with other NFL Arrests.

Have a great night ya'll( play nice)


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Monday Monday!

Hey Ya'll ,

So Summer made it's official arrival this weekend. So everyone rush to the beach as fast as possible. You know I really don't like the beach- yeah I am that guy. Oh by the way still no major sports over the Weekend the NHL draft was last week and the Penguins really didn't have a pick worth talking about. We are approximately a few weeks away from Football season- I am jonesing for some football.

On with the tournament- to better explain what the hell is going on. My friend Travis and I started this tournament when we were in school together in St. Louis( the Dark years) I give him full credit for wasting our time in the best way possible.

Both items/people alive or dead or interns that won't show up.please vote and give a reason why they should move onto the unbelievable next round of battle. If you have a good match up bring it up and we will use it.

This weekends winner in a very close battle was Steely McBEam. The mis-judged Pittsburgh Steeler Mascot wins in a close battle with the St. Paulies girl. I will try to have the brackets up soon and the next match up schedualed for tommorow. Stay tuned and keep voting!

Listen to the show - more shennanigans heading your way on tuesday!


Bonus Saturday!

Hey Ya'll,

So here is the deal. We had a special project we have been working on for sometime- so we had to be in the office at 5am. So i thought since all the hits on the web site I would throw an extra Steel-Mill in this weekend.

The boys and I would like to thank Paul's Philadelphia Eatery that had dinner for us last night. It was the best Tuscan Pizza pie I have had in years. The staff and Paul are the best around. Hands down. Plus he is from South Philly which means if he doesn't like you it gives him full reserve to kick your ass before desert. ( Kidding) We will have an official link to his web site in the weeks to come.

Last night in Baseball ,The Pittsburgh Pirates defeated the Toronto Raptors, oops I mean Blue jays in twelve innings. 1-0. This is beyond my comprehension how we could only score 1 run in 12 innings- this means for all BUCO fans. The end is near.

Lets do a recap of what is going on with the first ever Morning Steel Mill tournament of champions. This is where I can pick any object or Person, alive or dead and they enter the Steel cage and battle to the death. The winner moves on to the next round. So far we have had 3 match ups and the voting will continue this weekend for the latest match up- Steeley McBeam vs St Paulie's girl. keep those votes coming.

So I hope you enjoyed the bonus Saturday edition, this may happen more with the convergence of college/pro football season. It will depend on allot of things etc.

Have a great weekend! Catch the best of Tyler and Turner today from 5:30-10am here on the world wide or if you are in the midlands new 92.1

Peace ya'll


Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday June 20th

Hey Ya'll,

So once again let me comment that we are one day away from Summer. Why is that? Why does the first day of summer come half way through June? So the Battle for Steel Mill supremacy is now going into it's third match up of the first round, Yesterday Rick Flair Clearly beat me( mojo Nixon) .

We came to that conclusion at Wild Wing cafe last night. So In the Third match up it was kind of a toss up, in fact I will leave the Blog open all weekend for voting . Steely McBeam the Steelers very questionable mascot that was fashioned after "Bil Cowher" .Will be going head to head against the St. Pauly girl. The Buxom Blonde who dishes out all the St. Paulie's ale to all us unsuspecting men. Vote away..........

By god , there is absolutely no sports worth chatting about this weekend, no offense NASCAR, Golf , Horse Racing, oh and Baseball.

Have a great weekend- the Blog will be better next week. More of the tournament and keep the comments coming!

Had My first real awesome interview on the Tyler and Turner Morning Show today, We had Bill Engval on the show and I was absolutely star struck- yes I know it's dumb. But the here's your sign guy told Tyler and Turner to give me a raise. Awesome!

Check out the best of show this weekend starting at 5:30 am tomorrow morning on and 92.1 in the midlands.

( Thanks to Paul's Philadelphia Eatery for all the great food this week) You da man Pauly!!!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Knee Hirts, so I'm setting out Wedensday!

Hey Ya'll,

No mo Tiger. Hey everybody went ahead and won the Open and I think I will just go ahead and sit out the rest of the year. Go ahead and play without me.

OK once again really excited to bag on Tiger.

BEAT the hulk with is HULK spray!

So great response on the BLOG poll yesterday. Here is the second round of the Morning Steel mill best of tournament. We will continue to force two things to battle , congrats to Batman for beating the Hulk yesterday.

NIX( Mojo Nixon)

Today in another first round match up, I am going head to head with the 16 time world champion. So Vote and give another reason why I will beat RIC flair.

FLAIR( 16 time world championship)

Well it's the time of the month that I love, time to pay the bills. Bills bills bills- hooray. We have the big downside of the week and heading in to the weekend. Look forward to the upcoming weekend with the gang on the Morning Ya'll turnative, starting @ 5:30 am on or 92.1 in the midlands.

Have a jolly ole' Thursday


Boston Massacre!

Hey Ya'll,

So That's it for basketball this year. Boston dominated LA and no offense to baseball but we have seen the last of exciting sports for the summer. 131-92 what a score. I do want to give credit to the Celtics in the first quarter for the simple fact they did everything right. They rebounded the heck out of the ball along with consistent hustle and made early free throws. It was pretty clear that they had the game in hand at the half. Congrats bean town.

The pirates really took it in the keister last night loosing by an ungodly number. What is wrong with them . they are now looking at not having a winning season in 16 seasons. They have been flirting with .500 all season and now they have sunk to 3 games under. They have to be close by ALL- STAR break if not we set a dismal loosing record in the major leagues.

So lets start something fun for the summer. My friend Travis and I would have polls about who would beat who , when we were in school . It was very entertaining to us , and since there is nothing really going on till August I thought it would be fun to do two of these a day.

Here are the Rules:

We will take two ordinary things/people and have them go head to head and by the number of votes we get the winner moves on. That's it.

Lets start with an east one how bout two Summer movie hero's- who would win Incredible Hulk or Batman. Who ever gets the most votes by tomorrow wins.

OK enjoy , and listen to all the rest of my insanity on the Tyler and Turner Ya'll turnative morning show on or 92.1 if you are in the Midlands.

See ya'll tomorrow!


Monday, June 16, 2008


Hey Ya'll,

So Tiger wins again- boring. Let me go and tell you how I feel about woods. This is my personal opinion( other than myself) No one should care. I do not think he is good for the game of golf. He is arrogant not fan receptive and the figure head of a rapidly popular sport. How is this good for the game?

The game of Golf reaches so many people, that when he is out there playing or watching at home people worship him. Yes He is the greatest, He is talented and yes he is the best. Probably of all time. But in this age of me me and more me. He is not receptive to the average golfer, or person by that manner. He is not good in front of a camera, he lacks personality and personally he is not a nice person. Like I said this is just my opinion, do not blast me because I don't know how many championships he has won etc etc. I know all that. let me ask you this about Tiger, when was the last time he gave an interview that he actually looked interested in talking to the press or the fans. What is with his wining about everything in the crowd. Be a dude- be an athlete. I suck at golf but at least when I play I am having a good time and trying to enjoy the moment.

I guarantee that People will call me out on a whole bunch of levels on this- but what ever.

So it's summer, this is summer almost 56 days till Steelers training camp. Or NFL camp in general - So what is the deal with Chad Johnson. I really have no opinion on this situation because the Bengals have to be able to work things out with Johnson b/c as of this weekend Chris Henry is suspended indefinitely-oh and let go . Ok what part of out of control does management with Cinci not get? I don't even blame Marvin Harison. He can only do so much.

Well write in and tell me what you would like to talk about in the next installment of the steel mill. We are wide open for this summer. Oh and no, I do not have any Bologna in my house- try Josh's.

Listen tomorrow morning on the World Wide Internet to get a glimpse of my dating habits on the Tyler and Turner morning show on or in the Capital City at 92.1 fm

Talk to ya'll hump day!


Golf ,Basketball and Woman's Rollerderby !

Hey Ya'll ,

So the title pretty much sums up my whole weekend. There was alot of Golf and the NBA finals but the most exciting point/part of my whole weekend was at the Jamil Temple last night for woman's roller derby.

I would have to say( this is not an exact number) but there had to be a crowd of at least 600 people last night at the Jamil Temple here in the Capital city. Now this was my first Roller Derby bout in about 20 years. It was nothing like I had imagined at all. It was very organized and entertaining on allot of levels. Both teams were represented very well.

The first team The Columbia quad Squad really had there stuff together. They buried the other team( the Richland County Regulators) pretty handily. But the score was not the entertaining part to me. People watching and seeing whom was in this crowd. Talk about one of the most diverse crowds I have ever seen. It was like walking on the Midway at a carnival with James Caan and Rollerball thrown in. It was an experience.

Big Props to the Richland County Regulators, it was there first bout ever last night, and even though they took some lumps- they gave it right back to the 5-0 Columbia quad squad.

The NBA finals took a turn for the boring last night, as the LA takes the series back to BOSTON for the final two games. KOBE played out of his mind last night. The Big three did not answer- so the equation stands at beantown 3-2.

The US open was filled with drama and other things even a Monday morning playoff. Yes Tigers Demise did not happen. In fact I heard best slip up in golf announcing History:

GOLF announcer #1: " Can you believe Rocco Mediate is giving Tiger a run for his money?"

GOLF announcer #2: " No he looks like a guy that would be / should be cleaning out tigers pool"

OK so how many wrongs is that comment, it may have gone undetected- but for me it was the most entertaining point of the whole day of golf. lets just say I hope that the POOL boy wins it today enough said.

See ya'll on the big show Tuesday morning bright and early 5:30 am on the world wide Internet or 92.1 right here in the Midlands.