Friday, May 23, 2008

THE long Weekend!

Hey Y'all,

Well it's the official opening of summer. It's memorial day this weekend and like I said I will be attending the 600 in Charlotte. I would also like to shout out to my sidekick in crime on the Tyler and Turner morning show SD is getting married this weekend. Good luck to you crazy kids!!

The UFC fight is live from Las Vegas this weekend, and Tito Ortiz is trying not to loose good luck with that. If I were him I would continue to date my porn star girlfriend and find another hobby- reality TV. Good luck on your beating.

Nice turn out for the Corn hole Challenge in front of the NEW 92 headquarters this morning. Great job by the staff to make it a successful time . Thanks to my multiple partners that helped the NIX go 4-1. Jimmy, Chris and Michigan. Thanks for coming out and getting your memorial day on!!!!

One last job, GO PENS I really hope they beat them there wings! There I said it i am a total homer. I wish every one a very safe and happy holiday weekend. Please be careful and if you are partying stay put- or get a ride.

As for those pansies get some moderate sun and a little TLC- good luck with those flowers Scott and thanks for writing in. and for you up til6 - I remember a run in the Corn hole bracket until you had to bring in a ringer.

Y'all keep it real,



Nixheckler said...

Fred Rodgers is cut out of the same mold as Charles Manson!!!

Nixheckler said...

What was Mr. Rodgers doing at a pediatricians office? Seems pretty fishing! He was probably in his underwear handing out candy to small children.

Nixheckler said...

hey nix, how many readers ya got now? i'd say 4: uptil6, scott, banana hammock and nixheckler/nathanpeterson/tiffanyperry/prehistoricskank

uptil6 said...

Nix did u say u and SD are going to get married this weekend? I have a feeling that Scott will be heart broken to hear that news.

uptil6 said...

I didn't know you kept in touch with the prehistoric skanks but I see they read your blog every day. Do they still like bologna or do you have to spend the big two bucks on them for a date? Next time you see them let them use your phone to give me a call.

banana hammock said...

Nix would you consider cornholing foreplay?

Nixheckler said...

I heard you were having some medical problems such as seeing spots in your left eye, nausea, and lightheadedness. I'll diagnosis it for ya, it's called not mannin' up. You should not sleep more than 3 hours a day, you not should drink less than 12 beers a day, you should not eat less than 3 fast food meals a day. Also taking 35 antibiotics for a cold along with dayquil and nightquil should be doubled up on.

Prehistoricskank said...

I love how you have your own vehicle, new clothing, phone, cable televison, owe no child support, higher than a 5th grade education, and do not smell like cabbage. I'd say call me but I have no phone, no cell phone, no pager or no can with string.

nathanpeterson said...

Holly!! What are you doing out in the driveway on your back?

tiffaneyperry said...

I love the wineries!!!!

nathanpeterson said...

Hey Banana Hammock....More like tootsie roll hammock!!!!!

Unknown said...

Great work again today Nix! You rock!

B said...

Check my meter Nix